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I frequently want to say fuck it, delete everything, run away, and never go on the internet again! 

We all get scared, we all feel overwhelmed, and overworked to the point of insanity! 

It's gonna be okay, degenerates.

Take breaks, don't make any rash decisions, and let people know when you're feeling fucked. 

Communication leads to help which stops us making impulsive (terrible) decisions. 

Talk about it. The alternative ain't worth it. 





Thank you



sa r dran 24

Well said. πŸ‘πŸ‘


You have no idea how much I needed this today


All of the love Tea. Lots of great wholesomeness from you recently and I absolutely appreciate it! ❀️

Dovah Kodaav117

I was trained to recalibrate, take a deep breath in, hold it. Think of all your stressors, and exhale whilst letting go of them

Tristan Elliott

Thanks I needed that, my latest impulse decision was to buy a brand new car, thankfully I haven't signed the papers yet

Elijah King



I agree with this 1000%. Sometimes things really really suck. For example I've been dealing with chronic pain for the last 5 years. That sucks. However it's absolutely okay to talk about how it sucks and why it sucks. And even though it won't make it suck less, sometimes knowing that other people understand, helps you get through it that bit easier.


Jeez, hope y’all are ok! Be safe and stay strong everyone!

Tony West

I've been feeling that way for so long, with no one really taking a notice. I appreciate your words, Tea.


The thought of your work being deleted just sent me into a primal panic for a second. Your words are very true.


Thanks for the great message tea. Really great advice. I hope all is well with ya. You've made a big difference to me and many others so I hope ya don't say fuck it and delete all your wonderful audios and peace out one of these days, but I can understand why if ya did. I wish ya all the best. I value and appreciate ya. Keep on keeping on tea.


College courses been getting me hella down today and I had to make a lot of tough choices in a very short amount of time about what I think is right for me and future me. This little notification out of nowhere was a nice reminder that I and everyone else out there arent alone. Gonna go brew some tea now. Thx for the little confidence boost!


I just want to say β€œThank youβ€πŸ˜


Ok I gotta ask are you a mind reader? Because i am literally feeling that way right now, thanks for the advice

David Murphy

This needs to be said more often. Thank you, Tea. πŸ’—


Tea always knows what to say to make my day better


Hey take care of your self. Your health is very important too.

Camilo Iribarren

I totally agree! Always talk things out so you can vent out what you’re feeling and you can eventually heal emotionally and psychologically


I’m both sincerely glad and thankful that you love us so much. 😊

Joseph Brown

Love you Tea. Glad you're here with us.


Not to alarm you, but I just went to your channel and it said it was no longer available 😰


Please tell me tea didn’t just get banned😭


Is it because Tea advertised the latest NSFW audio on YT ? That sucks. For what it's worth, I really like your audio so don't get too down. What you're doing matters. :)


I loved your audio for years tea, I really hope this gets fixed soon or you could make a second channel. Please, take your time and stay safe.

Havoc Vangard

Be safe & stay true. Your have many at your side. I truly appreciate all you've offered & given over the long service of your work. Know that you are worthy. If time is what you need then it is yours. Will be here for you. As will your close friends & loved ones. Loyalty is from our hearts of love.


This is awful. Why does YT have to be so dumb? We're here for you Tea, just like your here for us.

David Frey

Considering YouTube has NSFW stuff on it's site, for them to deny you is those who regulate Youtube being idiotic.