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Touch me as you love me, love me as you know me:

With feeling.


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


Thank you for every kindness, guys. We're still figuring things out here. I appreciate everything. 



Thank you

cc (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-21 16:24:18 ❤️
2020-09-30 21:52:50 ❤️



Yay the queen is back!

Jonathan Gonzalez

Thank you for the audio, I hope everything is ok with you.


Welcome back Tea take all the time you need and thank you 💙

Elijah King

Thx for the audio Tea. Hope things are getting better at home 🙏🏽.


I just hope we are not the source of your troubles. Also, Thank you.

Noah Davis

Didn’t expect a post! Hope you are doing ok! 🙁


For real Tea appreciate the audio and again if you need time it’s fine you’re worth the wait. Wishing you the best and prayers, good vibes, anything at all constantly being sent your way.


Make sure to take care of yourself.

Chris R

I really hope you don’t feel pressure to post because we completely understand if you need time away and I genuinely hope everything is going well


I hope you’re doing better, glad to see an update from you 👏🏼 I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad run of things!


This was definitely unexpected, thanks a lot Tea... On the other hand, I'm sorry things haven't solved yet, but hang in there, have faith and, if it helps, here you have a lot of people wishing you and your loved ones all the best.

Jacob Griffith

Thank you for this audio. Hoping the best for you and yours.

Goldbrand (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-21 16:23:56 Darn, I'm so conflicted now, 'cause: 1) Goddamnit, I thought I told you to take your time! Prioritize yourself and your loved ones. I SO hope it will turn out alright. But, 2) Dang, this is SO right up my alley... Thank you <3 For thinking about us internet strangers even though things are difficult... You're one hell of a lady, Tea.
2020-09-30 22:00:49 Darn, I'm so conflicted now, 'cause: 1) Goddamnit, I thought I told you to take your time! Prioritize yourself and your loved ones. I SO hope it will turn out alright. But, 2) Dang, this is SO right up my alley... Thank you <3 For thinking about us internet strangers even though things are difficult... You're one hell of a lady, Tea.

Darn, I'm so conflicted now, 'cause: 1) Goddamnit, I thought I told you to take your time! Prioritize yourself and your loved ones. I SO hope it will turn out alright. But, 2) Dang, this is SO right up my alley... Thank you <3 For thinking about us internet strangers even though things are difficult... You're one hell of a lady, Tea.


Thank you Tea! I hope everything is OK and know we're all here supporting you and your family with whatever you are facing. These audios bring a lot of happiness to a lot of people and I hope you know how grateful we all are to you for that!


Thank You Tea. Take your time


Thank you for the audio, Tea. I hope everything works out for you. Take as much time as you need.


Lovely to hear from you Tea, but please don't push yourself if things aren't ok yet :)

Jam Elephant

Welcome back, but please take your time if you need it!!!Take all the time you need!! Hope everything gets better!!❤️

Joshua R

No words, simply the language of intimate love worship. Good one, Tea.


Hey Tea, welcome back, we missed you ❤️


Thanks tea!

Camilo Iribarren

Thank you so much for this, Tea. And I hope everything worked out well


Thank you tea c: so happy this dropped on my last day here. Will be back again when I can spare it! Incredibly satisfied. And I hope everything going on in your personal life gets sorted sooner rather than later.


Don't worry about us Tea, focus on what's important ♡

PlasticMultiView (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-21 16:23:31 Thank you for posting. It takes a strong person to continue being creative despite the circumstances. Please take as long as you need to focus on your friends, family, and yourself; we can wait. &lt;3
2020-10-01 01:27:40 Thank you for posting. It takes a strong person to continue being creative despite the circumstances. Please take as long as you need to focus on your friends, family, and yourself; we can wait. <3

Thank you for posting. It takes a strong person to continue being creative despite the circumstances. Please take as long as you need to focus on your friends, family, and yourself; we can wait. <3

Charles Johnston

Ok 2 things. A- I'm going to need a change of pants.... again XD and B- Don't worry about us, you take care of what's going on with you. No need to rush or push for content.


And we appreciate you, Tea.

Bushido Blade

Im going to sound like a broken record but we are still with you. We love you and your audios but we'll be even happier when things are well on your end. We are rooting for you.

David Frey

I couldn’t agree more with the rest of the patrons of your page: We understand things aren’t going to be easy, so we are glad whenever you produce any new audio. Continuing to wish you much luck, friendship and happiness.


Another excellent audio from ya Tea. I hope you’re in good spirits


Hey Queen T!! I appreciate this audio and content but please dont push yourself to make audio if you're not ready yet. We can wait until you've figured things out. -With loads of love from your princess, Azula


i enjoy all the content but i just couldn’t imagine how awkward it is to moan and kiss into a mic for 15 minutes lol, but i guess if you do it for a living it becomes less silly


I’ll say this every time, everyone needs a Tea in their life. Keep doing what you do girl and don’t let the haters bring you down. :D


I love this so much, each time i listen i get to imagine my own specific scenario, ahhhhh i love it


Thinking warmly of you Tea, whatever's going on, take my energy and know you're appreciated, loved, and can handle it. You got this, even if it sucks. And as always, thank you for your hard work!


Oh no I feel like I’m going to cry after listening to this