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"I'm needy because my vibrator died on me."

I want you smothered

Want you covered

Like my Waffle House hashbrowns

"Have mercy."


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 

P.S. You degenerates better be drinking water and getting your eight hours :) 

✨Hey guys. Truly appreciate all of you for even taking an interest. If you've just joined my Patreon, that is amazing, and if you could leave me a like and comment that would make this shitty week just a bit better. Thank you for anything and everything :)✨



Thank you


"Like my waffle house hashbrowns" lol, I think I'm starting to live for these little lines


Tea is the only person in the history of audio erotica to make Waffle House truly sexually arousing and im here for it!!!

Mat Smith

Tea, you degenerate. ;) Keep it up, this is GOLD.

Joshua R

Hohohooookay. Let's do this. 😈


Haha I see what you did there nice 👌


Thank you really much Tea 😊


With all the thirst this audio will generate of course we're drinking water


Waffle house hash browns will never look the same to me now


Thanks Tea. Amazing as always!

Jacob Griffith

Never thought I'd hear someone use waffle house as erotic imagery...


Sad because there are no waffle homes where I live :(

David Murphy

What I lack in water, I make up for in sleep.


Just in case anyone is wondering the sauce behind the Waffle House line is a lyric in Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang

Nathan Brown

-And make me rise an hour early just like daylight savings time, do it now. You me baby ain't nothing but mammals. So let's do it like they do it on Discovery channel. Do it now, "🎺 sounds"

Nathan Brown

Sorry tea, but I had you 😗 👉👈


First Time patreon. First time like. First time Comment. You are doing an awesome job and you truly deserve it.


I hope your week gets better, Tea! Hugs!


Wishing you the best Tea~


pog champ


Awesome as usual Tea. I’m sorry your having a shit week. Know that you’ve helped so many of us through the shitty times in our life. Hang in there, it’ll get better.

Camilo Iribarren

So this is what a good breakfast tastes like

David Frey

I am SO sorry that you are not having a good week. I hope that it improves. As for water, I am drinking water out of a 32 ounce cup I got to store good drinking water (you don’t want to ever drink heavily chemical tasting water cause of the water source previously being extremely polluted). 3 things: 1. I’m more of an IHOP guy (it’s a military and middle of nowhere Texas thing). 2. Agree with everyone that the pink taco is the best breakfast. And 3. Reminds me of a 1 night stand I had on the shoreline of a lake in Texas (aka How I lost my virginity).

David Frey

I hope things get better for you this week Tea. You are a great person that helps people


Well... I slept through the premier... Hope your week will be better.


Eight hours? That's a hard bargain, best I can do is six😴 Take it or leave it.

Binta Anderson

More like syrup on the waffles...😏


The real question is, why do you only have one vibrator? :p I mean, what if you're in the kitchen and you suddenly need one, but it's all the way in the bedroom? Planning!


WOW THIS IS A STRONG MESSAGE GRAPE 🍇 Also love ya Tea and I hope your week will start to become positive again ✨☺️


Love it!


Everyone deserves a Tea in their life


Did you know a group of owls is called a parliment of owls. Or a group of gorrilas is a government of gorrilas

Mario Perez

I love you....


This was amazing id loved to go down on a lady :P this was hot and kinky very erotic


Sorry your week isn’t being good to you, take your time posting and kick this worlds ass!


Hope your week gets better


I hope your week has gotten better! But I do have to wonder... how do you make the clapping sounds?? I wasn’t expecting such high immersion O_O


A wizard never reveals his secrets :D But, thank you so much for the compliment <3


[Foreplay is Coreplay] - truer words have never been spoken, Tea. Truer words.


Tea when I started watching your channel in like 2018 I was like “Fire fire great voice acting” now after finding your patreon Im like “Emmy Nomination where’s it at?”


Ending erotica with a one liner is peak Tea.