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Hey Teacups -

With the greatest possible respect to you as patrons, I have decided to close down the discord server.   

I truly apologize if this is bad news for any of you. This was by no means a snap decision, and was made purely to ensure productivity and good mental health. 

Please know that I truly appreciate all the effort, time, and enthusiasm that has gone into the server. You guys are unrivalled when it comes to generosity and gusto for our community. It never goes unnoticed or unappreciated. 

I also fully understand that many of you have made real friendships on there. That’s the part that has been truly enjoyable for me. Knowing that the server has allowed internet strangers to connect and look forward to talking with each other. 

However, I must be honest and say that I (personally) never wanted a server. I always felt pressured to open one, and from the start, felt it wasn’t a good fit for me. I take full responsibility for that. But this is me now knowing what works for me as a creator.  

In all honesty, I just want to make the content you want and leave it at that. I am in true awe of content creators that can be so generous, share their full personal lives, run discord servers, and feel comfortable in doing so. But that simply isn’t me. I feel closing the discord will be the best thing for me as a creator, and more importantly, for you as patrons.  

The server will be up from today until next Friday. That gives everyone one week to exchange information and stay in contact. I never want to spoil the fun, or stop people talking to their friends, so please take this time to make sure you don’t lose contact with each other. 

I would like to give special thanks to everyone who has boosted the server. Your generosity in supporting the community is appreciated by everyone. Furthermore, the moderators deserve all the praise for their hard work. They’ve been nothing short of patient, fair and kind. 

Lastly, whether you’ve been here from the start or you’ve only just joined, thank you sincerely for being a part of our small corner of the internet.

I'm positive this will lead to better things.

Thank you for your kindness and understanding.  

Best wishes,


✨P.S. I would also like to assure everyone that I have logged all the suggested audio concepts from the server. They will not be forgotten and they will get done.✨



I wonder if something happened on that server and made shutting it down a good idea


Good job for making a hard decision Tea


I understand, you gotta take care of yourself and do what's best for you.


Hope that those who made connections can stay in contact with each other. Times likes these make me glad I’m a shut in introvert.


As long as you're happy, we're gonna be fine.


A haiku on impermanence. Ahem: It's come to an end But time flies ever forward Don't try to fight it


Do what you know is best for you. This community will continue to support you and love the content you create for us.


Alright, I didn't see that coming :o


All Good Things Must Come To An End I'm sad to see it go But we've had some good times Some bad times But I think it was totes worth Let all the audios That the server birthed stand as a record of why it got shut down. Really what kind of degen pushes for a Milky Mommy Audio


Maybe I'm just missing something but couldn't you leave the server all together and let others run it as a fan server? That way everyone can stay together and you don't have to deal with it.


We understand tea you do what you need to do and we respect your decision 😊


That’s a really fair suggestion. Unfortunately, I just truly don’t want a TeacupAudio discord server. This decision is an emotional one, and I appreciate that it’s probably hard to understand from an outside perspective. I just have to do what’s best for my mental health and business 💙


Do what is best for you and your life. No matter the choice i believe this community will love and support you and the content you graciously create for us. It was a great time and ill still be a loving patreon of your content! 😊 ~Zhiend The DnD Weed


Thank you for everything. Farewell Tea.


Take care Tea, we'll be here and on YT :D


so now this channel is going to die off and no longer do content, thats what always happens after these kinds of announcements. will slip from daily to bi daily to weekly till nothing, so sad to see such a good channel go.

Mat Smith

Oh well. Do what's best for you, Tea. We're still here supporting you.


Do whatever is best for your health and your platform tea


"I will remember you, will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories Remember the good times we had? I let them slip away from us when things got bad How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun☀️ Want to feel your warmth upon me I want to be the one" I will remember you - sarah mclachlan Take good care of yourself Tea<3


Going to miss it, but glad you're taking steps to make your platform what you want it to be, and I think everyone's all for that. We love ya Tea


Love you Tea 💙


Unfortunately I just became a patron, but I’ve been a fan for a while. Thanks for everything, and keep doing what’s best for you! ❤️

Jacob Griffith

Yeah I think this is for the best. Glad you're taking a positive step for your mental health here.


You do what you need to do Tea. I continue to wish you the best of luck with everything. Godspeed. The Emperor protects.


There was a discord?


Sad to hear its not for you and that you felt pressured into it. Even though I didnt use it much it was nice to see it there for the time it was. Hope you continue to do what is best and comfortable for you Tea.


Well, as long as there are ways to stay in contact, then that's fine. I know there certainly isn't a shortage of suggestions, given the backlog! :P

special kid

''well that's life that's what all the people say''

It Blew

R.I.P. the discord server, we all respect your decision tea, and thank you for giving us a place to all come together even if it couldn’t last forever... luv u

Exailia Xystian

Doing what's best for yourself doesn't feel right in the beginning. Its only until after you've tried and gone through with it and realise for yourself if it was right. All we should do as bystanders is say "Thank you for what you have given us. We all wish you the brightest and happiest." 😊