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Hey Teacups -

As you know, I'm currently taking some time out to help my sister with the end of her pregnancy. This involves trips to the hospital, cooking, cleaning, making sure she's entertained and comfy, and all that good stuff. But because I'm an eternal people-pleaser, (seriously hate that about myself) I've tried to balance this with my teacup duties too. Much to the concerned grumbling of my husband Adam. 

After promising that I would actually take this time with my sister to keep away from concept writing, recording, editing, etc, I decided to pull a sneaky studio session whilst Adam headed out for work. 

So, be me: trying to record something lovely for my lovely patrons. All seems well, the recording is going smoothly, maybe even deftly, when all of sudden, I stop recording, I export the raw file and... low and behold... it was recorded on the COMPUTER'S BUILT IN MIC!

Adam (MY SNEAKY SON OF A BEACH HUSBAND) disconnected my 3Dio mic from my computer! As such, what I recorded was rendered into...Qualified Garbage! 

Morale of the story: when you promise to take time off, actually take the time off. Or your husband will disconnect your professional microphone and render your work garbage! 

Best wishes from the woman who learnt her lesson,

Tea the Remorseful x

P.S. I texted him my outrage and all he replied was 'SIMP'

P.S.P.S. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. 



Adam is getting more sypathetic by the day. Good catch tea


You’ll be alright


I needed this as my day has been quite down. I don't mind a chuckle from Tea the SIMP!


Stop simping for us Tea


The disrespect of it all 🤣🤣


Hell yeah


You married a good one there, ya simp :P

Stuart Clench

Oooh i bet revenge will be sweet 🤣


Score one for the boys! seriously, we're fine. Family comes first


Family comes first, SIMP....JK. But seriously we can wait


Oof, sorry to hear it. :P But you deserve time off! Trust me, as an eternal people-pleaser, I totally empathize, I understand completely how fundamentally it hurts to not be able to make everyone happy, but we're just happy you're living your life and taking breaks when you need it. :)


Also I love the idea of you doing a ReportOfTheWeek style review of the garbage audio now, haha


Tea! Don't worry about us, you're about to unlock the Cool Aunt Tea Achievement, but you got the awesome content creator badge long ago! So focus on yourself and your teacup sister because that's what's important now. Also, give a huge hug to Adam from me because he's a total troll boss and I love him.

Connor Boetzkes

Memes for the win, and time for yourself/ using it for family comes before us

T.J. Young

I can see how and why you would be upset, but I gotta give him props, your husband is one smart cookie. I would've done the same. As mad as you are, rest assured, he sabotaged you with love.

Ji Eye Joe

Omg that sucks, hope you feel better


He knows the slang aswell as whats needed to keep you honest ? Adam truely is a god in human form

Elijah King

Your husband is pretty cool


Please take the time off tea we can handle some time away from you so do your best and continue looking after your sister.

Jacob Griffith

As all the others have said, you and yours come before us, take all the time you need!


Still love you Tea no matter what ur amazing and this could be a sign to take a break from the universe love you always 💙🐺


I need an Adam in my life


Lol take a break already lady


Sweetie Tea, my dad went out and partied with his friends, after my newly married mother told him not to get carried and be back home at a sensible time. He wound up suggesting a trip to Florida US, from Wisconsin US, and all his buddies said sure. He woke up next day nearly a thousand miles away from his newly married wife. To teach him a lesson, she proceeded to redecorate the entire house in the time he called from Florida to the time he got back. I am talking all new furniture, drapes, and paint. He has not gone out and partied like that since. I suspect that your husband and my mother could swap stories. Because yes, this is all true, even if it happened before I was born, it is a great story.


Now i really like adam ;-) Take that time off!


I wish only to achieve the levels of cool that your husband just displayed. What an absolute power move.


Additional comment: Tea, if you would like to use my story from my parents as inspiration for an audio, you have my consent, and I would be honored. ❤


I hope you learned that when you say you take break to do your stuff you'll do it... There is so many audios on here I havent even all heard and some that I love so much that I'm still binging them 😂... So just take the break, your sister needs you right now ❤️


We even told you to take that time. I thought those audios you posted after were some already made audios. Go be with your sis.


Really sorry you wasted that time but fully on board with Adam. Take the time off, don't worry about new content - we aren't going anywhere. Focus on helping your sister and enjoy a well deserved break from the studio


DAMN SON YOU GOTS PLAYED. That is an awesome “My wife is a workaholic move” that required some guts. Nice job, Adam!


Speaking as a former husband, you have a great one there that loves and gets you. He did good. Also, he's very brave. How's your sister doing?

Tony Silvey

You hubbo did good, keep that break going XDDD

David Murphy

Bit of a dick move on his part but necessary. You should keep that audio file to remember the story for when you ACTUALLY come back from your break.

Adam Vaiman

Adam is the GOAT no cap

Wolf Z Row

Sounds exactly like something i would do. Just learn to relax tea, we'll see you when you get back!


Well now u did put in the work and also feel devastated that a work u were rly happy with has been ruined. If someone would do that to me, and that work would bring me joy, I'd honestly feel like I'm being babied. I know it comes from a good place but I would def. have a conversation abt that cuz it would have been my equipment, my time and my choice to record something. Just my perspective but yea x.x


Adam is definitly my new spirit animal ^^ But more seriously, take some time off Tea, we can wait. Spend time with your sister before she's arms deep into diaper and listen to your wonderful Mr Tea (he apparently know how to take good care of you)


Adam is an omega ✨ c h a d ✨


That s a pro gamer move on adams part


Tea, please, take time for your sister. Have a rest. Nobody here wants you to burn out. And Adam, good job dude ;)


You go Adam!


We can wait. Take your time. We will never leave your side <3


is it bad that i might like your husband more then you?

Travis Teague

Adam sounds like a good dude. Take all the time you need Tea, you take care of your sister and spend all the time you need with her. We can enjoy the content you've already put out until you come back


What a Chad.


I'm really surprised by all people that are okay with what your husband did. Personally I think it was very childish. I don't know that what you did has anything to do with him. And even if it did, ruining your hard work is no way to teach someone a lesson. I hope you make him realize that what he did is not okay And I'm sure you know that I am not saying this because I expect a story from you. Do what you need to do, whether that is helping your sister, or recording a story because you have an idea or just needed a break from everything.




Lmao he’s a savage 😂


Give my props to Adam, and spend my last 10$ donation I gave on a few coffees for him!

Lucky Lad

Just take the time off no need to rush things especially with peoples Health in the balance


That’s fairly petty.

Jared Chinchello

I have have never met Adam but I love him as a concept. Also here's hoping everything goes well with your sister and her bebeh.