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Just thank you, guys.




No need to thank us Tea. Happy we can support you


No thank you


We’ve got you Tea

Duke The Rebel

That really sucks for your Youtube Tea, but I’m glad we could help


Will always be supporting you Tea


I feel like this a never-ending cycle of de/monetization... Don't worry, Tea, we're still here for you.


Well, they really lost no time, didn’t they ?😒 (Although the comparison to pornography is quite offensive imho) Guess the bots are on a rampage again... Three horrays for patronage ! 🥳


Everything feels like it goes to shit slowly but surely, YouTube included. Glad we can help nonetheless


You are most welcome.


Sexual content huh? Was it the hand holding? I'll bet it was the hand holding.


I didn’t think that YouTube allowed sexual content at all, not just regarding monetization. Or are they painting broad strokes with that “sexual content” brush? Since I only release sexual content I have never had a YouTube channel, so just asking. I’m really sorry to hear this. Is it a situation where you can get it cleared up by deleting a few audios which might be too borderline for their rules? I hope so! ❤️


So who wants to start a pool for how long monitization will last next time? Really though screw YT. You deserve the support.

Jacob Griffith

Really sorry this keeps happening to you, Tea. Glad to support you.


Well, into the next round. You're welcome, Tea. Also, thanks for everything you do for us <3


*cue the ‘You’re Welcome’ song from Moana* lol Seriously, it’s a joy supporting you and your content, Tea💛


You're worth it Tea


Sending a hug from everyone here.


At this point it's like a pendulum with the platform lol Definitely glad to be part of the community, Tea, and have a digital, appropriately-distanced hug!

Sebastian Rubin

You are the best and deserve nothing less!


Honestly stuff like this makes me so angry. I wish YouTube would understand what a positive impact ASMR channels have for some people and would stop trying to demonetize creators. There are times when I don’t know what I would do without your audios, Tea. Thank you for continuing to make content even though YouTube sucks.

Richard Hardslab

Must suck to be a YT Mod and know that your individual reviewing of a channel means nothing because the algorithm would just undo it later on anyways

Jake F

God, Youtube sucks so fucking much...


f*** YT! there are no sexual content on your channel! what would they demonetize for??? kisses???? f***ing hypocrites!!!!


love you Tea


yeah and this is why patreon exists because platforms like YouTube have automated systems to just ruin stuff.


Say what you will about YouTube, but I'll give them this much: they're damn consistent : P


Sending you (YT-safe) hugs :)


Wholesome content = sexual content Great logic YouTube !


I don’t quite understand ... Hmmm .. In my opinion, or probably I’m mistaken, there is no sexual, explicit content on your channel ...


You are the best Tea don’t let anyone or anything tell you otherwise love u 💙


Hey tea, you’ve done more than enough to earn a living making others happy, or in my case, giving people the chance to sleep a reasonable amount for the first time in half a decade lol. Keep doing you, that’s why all of us are here. For you, and your great content. Sincerely,


Hey tea, you’ve done more than enough to earn a living making others happy, or in my case, giving people the chance to sleep a reasonable amount for the first time in half a decade lol. Keep doing you, that’s why all of us are here. For you, and your great content. Sincerely, some random ass insomniac dipshit


How many times have this happened now? At this point Youtube is just torturing you.... cant they at least make up their mind? And what are there problem anyway? All your sexual stuff is here on patreon, not on youtube.... 🤬


*insert CJ walking and saying "Oh shit, here we go again"


While i'm not going to say "screw Youtube" i do believe that they have major, fundamental problems. Problem is: just like Google or Facebook they have a Monopoly. And content creators like you need (most of the time) Youtube for the reach; which goes the other way around as well. I myself am browsing a lot on Youtube, looking for new (ASMR) videos. Still, there are videos with animal cruelty, nudity, hate comments (don't get me started on this) and Youtube doesn't seem to do anything about it. That's what i don't get.

Joseph Brown

Sorry Tea. :( The others have already said the big stuff. But we're here for you. I love to support your content.


Sorry that they keep doing this to you, Tea. Do they even tell you exactly what the issue is?