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Hey Teacups -

So, today has been shitty. I've tried, I've failed, I've cried, I've flailed. 

All the while, practising the fine arts of self-sabotage and mental torture, when I had a thought: 

What if it's just another shitty day? 

And after a little bit of contemplation, it didn't seem so necessary to berate and belittle myself. 

If anyone is having one of those days, please, please (for the love of your pleasure sensors) don't be awful to yourself. You're a gosh darn person and it is gosh darn okay to have a really shitty day.

Being cruel to yourself is not going to fix anything. Not only is it unnecessary, it's also simply not helpful. You need to be on your team. You need to treat yourself with as much understanding and empathy as you would anyone else. I say that with the complete admittance that I don't always do this myself. It's tough, but like most medicines, it helps. 

Take care, be safe, and above all else, cut yourself some much-needed slack.




Duke The Rebel

These words hit home Tea, i’ve had many of these kinds of days before and I keep pushing through time and time again and things usually do get better so thank you for reminding me that my effort is worth it. Much love to you I hope things get better


Thank you


*nods intently in agreement* You take care too, Tea.💛


I don't need to be good on myself. I'm used to beat myself up every day and I don't see any reason to fix it

Stephen P

I admire you always finding a way to take a difficult experience and create something kind and caring for the rest of us. Please know you reach us and touch us deeply, Tea.

Stuart Clench

Wise words. They say we are our own worst critic...imagine the ally we can be for ourselves if we put that energy into something positive


Why do you beat yourself up every day, if you don't mind my asking?


Thank you


Ty i needed to this :-)


"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough. And gosh darn it, people like me!" -Al Franken And I like you, too!


Thank you for reminding us of this simple, but important fact. Take care of you Tea <3


*Sends yummy snack emergency package* :D


Thanks for the pick me up Tea Dear ’s Tea's brain, Jmann here here. We've had this talk before but you refuse to take a hint. The way you make Teacup feel bad is not very cash money of you. I don’t think it’s very considerate of you to make Teacup feel this way. She already has a hard time with being a youtuber/patreon creator. Why are you so mean to Tea? We just want Tea to be happy but you do not make it easy. Tea is a good person and sweeter than pie and gives more than Santa Claus . She doesn’t need you in her head all the time making things harder. Stop bullying Tea, or else!.

Elijah King

Thanks Tea 🙌🏽

Mario Perez

Thanks tea...needed this

Savage Dragon

Christ I needed to read this today. Thank you.X

After Hours



Today was a shitty day, but I took ownership of what I could do and let go of what I could not. And the day ended well. Here's to you for sharing a bit of determination to see things through and reach a better place. It is always appreciated.

David Murphy

Thank you, Tea! I needed this. 💗 Hope you're doing better!

Wolf Z Row

Hope everything is alright tea.


I had a notification on my gmail and thought it was an audio, so i became really sad. I read this and now im happy again. I guess we can call that a happy ending huh ;)


Thank you for this, Tea. I am definitely suspect of being bad to myself when I'm having a day, and I make it way worse. I really struggle with trying to just accept that its an off day and that it's fine. I will try to remember what you said here from now on, though. 💙💜💙


It's never easy in the moment but, thank you for giving yourself a chance. You're a sweet person, even the nice people get shit on by life 👌🏽.


hope your doing alright tea and thanks, I needed to hear that :)

Daniel Mercado

I made you a cake Tea. Hope it makes you feel better! 🎂❤❤👉👈🥺


Those last two though... A little humor to brighten my day, and best wishes for a better tomorrow Tea!


Thank you Tea, I really needed this. Being cruel to yourself won't change anything just making yourself feel worse. We have to give ourselves a break. You take care too Tea.