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"It was nothing personal. Though, I imagine that makes it worse for you."

Kindness is not always repaid. 


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 

P.S. Please consider this my dabble into darker themes. For those who like a little darkness and variety and whatever else this might conjure up. 



You had this planned didn’t you? This made my day so much better. Thank you.


I'm excited...


OMG Tea you crazy internet lady! I did not imagine we would have it TODAY! Thank you very much! <3


Hits a little close to home but great work as always thank you 🙏


Tea, you crazy tea-drinking, pizza-devouring, wonderful person. Didn't think this would come out today already. But just because you don't release the patron special this week, it doesn't mean that you have to take such exaggerating measures. Thank you for this welcome surprise <3


More dark stuff please!!!

Elijah King

Omg, where's June.


Thank you


Well...that was... Something... 😮 Thank you for what you do Tea


This is great. More please


I’m probably gonna skip this one tags hit a little too close to home. Love what you do Tea!


Interesting yet exicuted flawlessly amazing job


Tried listening but only got halfway through before needing to stop. This is amazingly well done Tea and I tried my best to listen to it but this was to close to personal experience of mine. Looking forward to your next audio.


Oof! I felt the betrayal. It cut so deep. The dark stuff really brings out your awesome voice acting chops, Tea. Well done, ma’am, I say well done!👏👏👏

Frane Bloodriver

Deliciously dark! I really felt devastated with that betrayal and i fookin loved it!


I wanted Tea to be a villain, and she delivered in a way I did not expect by turning it up to eleven on the cruelty and turned off the campiness completely. I couldn't even finish listening to this one


I feel like this kind of thing would do well with a star wars theme, very dark sidey


Yeah..... i think i will skip this one..... have a feeling it will either make me rage or cry, either of which i dont need, but hey, good on you for widening your range :)


Got too admit gave me some real flash backs there tea, good work

Derek Vargas

Damn that was some good stuff. Got some female Lex Luther x Superman vibes there. Tea’s darker voices are always more compelling to me then the overly sweet ones. It’s just sounds so sultry and inviting yet dangerous. Idea for part 2, a 2 minute audio of the villain being yeeted into the sun for her transgressions.

Morgann Cedro

hey hey hey, I know i'm a big ol' softie, but ya don't need to call me out for it lol but honestly, the most interesting piece of work from you by far Tea :)


Is it bad that I want to see a continuation of this? But the hero falls farther than the villain actually intends? The villain gets what she thinks she wants but it's not fun anymore when the hero because even more dangerous than she is?


oof. This is cool, but I don't think I can personally listen to stuff like this. I like darker topics, but betrayal specifically is too much for me.


Straight up fire 👌


At first i didnt know what to expext from this, but damn.... it's so good!!! 👍 After listening to this 3 times in a row i have to say, that this has the potential to dethrone the Milf-Series. 😝 Hope part 2 hits soon?!


“Pray you never face a good man - he will kill you with hardly a word.”


This makes me sad everytime I watch it but I can't stop watching it.

Noah Davis

Loved this audio so much!!! It was honestly super hard to not feel so betrayed even though I’ve never had an experience like this before! You did a fantastic job! 😭😭😭


Ok, now, I think I need a prequel of this story placed on “those quiet summer nights” where the villain pretend to be the fragile crying girlfriend, while in her thoughts she can’t wait the moment to betray the hero. That said beautiful audio Tea. : )


One of the rare times where I appreciated the Trigger Warning


Your performance of a toxic character and the script were both pretty moving. I can't say it was a pleasant experience, but it was an excellent job that had one foot in believable characters and thhe other in a fantastic world.


I loved this. I like to write stories and the way you portrayed your role gave me so many ideas. Keep on creating Tea. I'll keep listening <3


wtf just happened


Holy fuck that was amazing!! 😍 I need this to become a series, as long as your ok with doing darker stuff of course. The way you described the relationship between yourself and the hero painted a picture as I was listening and that just made me want to know more about the world and each of them.


As dark as this was, I loved it. Amazing work Tea. It's great to hear that spicy evil side to your writing once in a while. Contrast to the syrupy sweet stuff I became a patron for in the first place. 😊


Damn that's a good acting!!!

Christopher Haist

this made me uncomfortable, and i liked it lol.


You broke Super... shall I call him Super Human Man? That's evil, Tea. You have to fix him! Who's going to save the world now? 🤔😁

Clint Barke

Here comes the next Homelander.