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“Of course I am French. Why do you think I have this OUTRAGEOUS accent?!”


American girl attempts French accent to show love for her degenerate boyfriend:

"You're lucky your wife isn't here. Being the jealous type, I don't think she would take too kindly to this."


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 


✨P.S. I apologize for the false start earlier. As soon as I uploaded it to YouTube, Patreon told me that maintenance was over. And since you guys are supposed to receive the audios first, I wanted to fulfil that promise and deliver it to you here on Patreon. Thank you for being patient and wonderful.✨ 

P.S.P.S. I will be taking a few mental health days starting next week. Thank you for always letting the crazy lady take a breather. 

Stay safe and sane,



Jonathan Stark

Take your time, making fresh Tea should never be rushed if you want it done right.


We all need breaks especially now. Thank you for all the work you do.


Watched this one on youtube when you launched it. Made me chuckle a decent amount xD

dirtyharry 01

I love me some bagets and cross-ants


No problem Cheri,totally understandable do whatever you need to do and we’re all here if you need us for anything. Stay safe sane and healthy 💙🥐🍵


Why do you sound like Widowmaker from Overwatch?


Take all the time you need. You always brighten my day and I appreciate all of the high quality content you put out! Thank you for your hard work


Everyone needs a break sometime even crazy ladies lol, take your time Tea and stay safe.


Thank you and take care

Andrew Dafoe

No problem Cheri , you need take care of your self first above all else we'll be around when you need us....ps can you sing in the French accent?


La meuf avec son accent, ça me rappelle presque celui de widowmaker sur les bords... xD


Love the Monty Python reference, BTW

Camilo Iribarren

Hey hey hey, I definitely love French ladies, especially since I like visiting Paris


This was really fun to listen to.

Samwise Thebravee

Tea that new mic was the best thing you ever did for us. It adds sooo much to the experience. I love what you can do with it. Sounds amazing. Are we going to get stereo close experience every time now ?? I feel so spoiled ! I’m getting tingles almost every time you get close to the mic :D i’m rly liking this ASMR experience, hope to get more of things like this.


OMG I’m dying over here at that ending

After Hours

Reminds of the time I went to paris with the boys, best trip ever.

Jonathan Stark

First we get British Tea, now we get French Tea, what’s next Russian Tea? Because that would be sweet. That surprise twist toward the ending was hilarious. Well done.


Hahahah la fin !!!! C'est incroyable !!!

David Murphy

That Monty Python reference made my day. Thank you, Tea!😁💗


Is it bad that instead of imagining Tea I'm imagining a slutty Widowmaker from Overwatch instead?


During this whole thing I was waiting for Tea to break character and yell at the listener "Stop laughing!! This is accent took work and I'm trying to focus. Stop embarrassing me and just go with it!" So satisfying when it finally happened(or similarto it at least), so cute <3 Also when she said thats master needed dusting, my first thought was "shit.... my dandruff is back..."

Ji Eye Joe

*”you have a wife”*

Galactic Gaming

Holy SHIT, your French accent is sexy. IK the audio is about the gf messing it up, but I think she’s nailing it