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"I'm sick of indulging little girls who want an eyeful."


It's date night. You got to a club: you dance, you laugh. 

Everything's just fine, until you see that glint in her eye. Suddenly you're being pulled outside and shoved up against a wall. You've thought it before and you'll think it again - jealousy is kinda hot:

"You like turning me into a mewling little sex kitten."


Non-Copyrighted music:

Party Ambience Sound -- People Sound Effects -- No Copyright Sound Effect:



Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 

✨P.S. Happy Monday, Teacups!✨



To be spoken for πŸ₯°!

Fallen Phoenix

Tea: if you ever bring that jealousy shit up again i’ll scratch you. Me: hay, never threaten me with a good time. also, amazing job. S+ tier audio as always


Thanks again for this your majesty. *bows to you*


Only a man of calibre would respond this way. Congratulations! You are that man! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Thank you for listening. Audios are nothing without the people who listen to them πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


And coming in at #1 on the list of "problems I wish my girlfriend had"....


We appreciate you Tea! Hope the day’s well ❀️

Camilo Iribarren

Wow, I knew you were strong but geez, that jealousy meter must be off the charts if you’re dominating me like this


Loved this one. Definitely worth the wait.


Exactly. Healthy jealousy can be cute, just so long as it’s exercised with limits πŸ’–


Ngl, the jealousy is pretty cute, love that a lot of the NSFW audios have sweetness and/or cuteness

Bryce Ellis

Plot Twist: The listener is a Yandere who’s mastered reverse psychology.


It’s always nice to feel wanted

Joseph Brown

I love you deep, husky voices Tea. They're so well done.

The Baka King

"To the car!... That we... parked on...the top level... of the parking deck." "... Shit"