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Hello Teacups -

2019 was a fantastic year for us, but I have a feeling 2020 is going to be even better.

So, let's take a moment to discuss all the exciting things happening this year:

1. We're having a special offer starting on the 20th of January. 

This offer is all about Character Q&A's. Starting this month, you're going to able to ask your favourite characters questions and have them answer in their own special audios. Up for grabs we have Girlfriend Character, Bad Girl Tea, Yandere Character, Boomer Mommy, NSFW Teacup and more. This will happen monthly with each character getting their individual turn in the spotlight! Which brings us on to our second development... 

2. The new starting tier for my Patreon will be $5.

 As some of you may know, I've been attending an online Patreon course over the last few weeks and it has been decided that the $1 tier should be changed to $2 instead. I want to reassure those that are happy with their $1 pledge -  nothing will change for you. You will still have access to all the content you have now. It simply means that new patrons start at $5 and will have access to the special offer of Character Q&A's. 

3. I am going to be studying with a professional editor. 

This will not only improve our sound quality overall, but it will also make editing more efficient and time effective. Essentially this means less time editing and more content output. I cannot wait for you to see the improvement in both my skills as an editor and a content creator.  

4. Frisky Fridays will become sensual audios.

I've been struggling with this decision for quite sometime now, but I feel honesty just has to be the best policy here.

This issue has been a constant one since I started doing NSFW content. Whilst I was happy to be providing the service, I have been filled with anxiety and stress about writing and voicing something I know I am not completely comfortable with. I truly wanted to make this work for you, patrons, but I fear that if I am not completely honest it could lead to a terrible burnout and even a desire to stop making content altogether. 

I apologise sincerely to anyone who feels disappointed by this decision. Please be assured that all the current erotic audios will still be available for you to access. Furthermore, it is my intention to do occasional unscheduled erotic audios, just not on demand (as I find them a lot less daunting when no one is expecting them). I want to make all my content to the very best of my ability, and if I am anxious and uncomfortable I simply cannot bring my A game. Ultimately, I am completely confident in my abilities to make SFW and sensual audios. I hope you will enjoy exploring this new direction with me and that we can make some truly stand-out content. 

To clarify SFW stands for Safe For Work (this encompasses all the regular girlfriend and romantic audios.) And Sensual content refers to audios that are a little spicier (intense kissing, groping, petting, moaning, etc) than the SFW audios, but still not full erotica. Think of them as the essential foreplay of the audio world!  

I am so excited to get started on all of the above and more, Teacups. 

I hope we have a fantastic year together. Whether you stick around or decide this content is no longer for you, I am so grateful for every chance you have given me.

Thank you for everything.

Best wishes,

Tea x



Will miss frisky Fridays but I respect your decisions 🤩🤩

Isaac Langan

Don't worry about the whole nsfw thing, I only found out about them AFTER becoming a patron, (Also are there any more bad girl tea episodes after the ones on YouTube? He asks excitedly 😍)

Isaac Langan

P.s. your stuff is awesome 👍


If your not 100% comfortable with something then you definitely shouldn't do it !! If you don't feel good about doing them then I think most of us will support you in the choice you made . I think we all want the best for you in the end tea :) i defo know I'll still be listening either way .


Sounds good Tea, I’m personally on board with all the changes you’re making and sincerely hope that it makes you happier & more comfortable with the work that you do for us ❤️


What do you mean by sfw sensual? I am not sure I understand what you plan on doing not that I have to I will see when it comes to that. And don't feel bad for stopping something that you are not comfortable in doing, it's not only us that have to enjoy your audios if you don't have fun making them and enjoy what you do it is something you should not do and I am sure ppl understand and respect that decision

Jacob Griffith

I'm sure these changes will do wonders for you, and I'm so glad you're doing what's best! Good luck, and thank you for being honest with us.


I am perfectly okay with your decision for no more FF. It will be missed, but I'd rather miss out on that stuff then have you disappear from burnout, or not feel well from doing them 💜 That being said, I'm excited for those Q&A audios. Sounds like they could be a lot of fun to listen to


I’m still going to ride or die Tea and great for you 😁

Jeremy Knight

I really enjoyed your Frisky Friday audios but I'm ok with this. I'm into forplay anyway so I look forward to this new direction.


Everyone is talking about Frisky Friday and here I am getting my character questions ready -_-


tea: *makes changes* also tea: perfectly balanced as all things should be (joke aside we all support these changes and future changes big or small and know they'll make the wholesomness of ur audios bigger and better here's for the better and the best future for you *raises ☕ to you*

Joshua R

Tea... The reason alot of us flock to your patreon is because we are filling a hole in our hearts. When you are in a relationship, there's one quality that stands above the rest: High Cut Empathy. There is a certain level of importance, safety, and comfort you feel when you are in a healthy relationship, in which your partner is able to connect with and have a hand in your emotional matrices. Lovemaking is only a small extension of that, a bonding ritual. For the purposes that most of us are here, NSFW stuff isnt necessary. Its just a cocaine level version of what we are actually seeking, and that is connection. Do whatever makes you comfortable, and dont worry about us, we are simply here to feel love and give you love, albeit in the form of money, but i like to think of it more as an investment in your future. Take care, and keep it real.


I am not going to pretend that i wont miss the erotic audios, but they were not the main reason for me being a patreon to begin with, and if you are not comfortable with them or they burn you out, than cutting them is a no brainer. Heres to a good 2020 and all the best to you, Tea :)


I'm gonna ride or die with ya tea no matter what, you do you!


Don't ever do stuff that makes you feel uncomfortable. In all aspects of your life, you don't need to compromise yourself to reach a goal or to please others. You are talented and you rock. <3


You already have a large catalog of NSFW audios for people to enjoy. I've always been a fan of the more roleplay/fantasy elements and also the friends to lovers audios. I'm glad you're making steps to feel more comfortable and improve yourself, and I will continue to support you as I am able. Those character questions will be quite interesting!


Late reply to this I know but TBH most of the audios that help me out aren’t NSFW. I have several issues with stupid brain chemistry. Yeah NSFW ones are ok but the vanilla comfort (I.e. be yourself and I like you anyway) ones are what help me the most. What ever makes you comfortable is what matters.