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Merry Christmas, Teacups -

Although I do wish you all a wonderful day, I am also aware that it's not always the best time of year for everyone. Some people like Christmas, some people loathe it, and others simply find it a difficult thing to go through. Celebrations are often portrayed as these huge, over-the-top parties where everyone is having the time of their lives. But in actuality, it's mostly just eating food, saying hello to distant relatives,  and watching re-runs of old TV shows. 

Please don't be mean to yourself with unrealistic comparisons. Christmas is not a big deal. How you spend Christmas is totally up to you. It literally means squat! No one is over-the-moon delighted with it (unless you're a six-year-old, and in that case - carry on, little one.)

What this messy babble all comes down to is that it's okay to do what you want, it's okay to feel how you feel, but please don't be under any illusions that you're the odd one out. You're absolutely not. You're not alone. 

Remember that Christmas is just like any other day: it isn't sacred, it isn't essential for you to have the best time of your life. It's just a day. A day for you to relax and eat food. Please do so.

Merry Christmas, guys. 


Tea xxx




Thanks Tea. I needed to hear this. I'm currently spending Christmas alone with no friends or family around to do anything with. Last year around this time a family member decided to do and say some horrible things to me that I've yet to truly get over. Just trying to lay low and let all of this stuff blow over, some of us just aren't lucky enough to have reasons to celebrate every year. Thanks for being real and thinking about all the rest of us. Merry Christmas

Andrew Dafoe

Merry Christmas ,! Ps cheers mate


Needed to hear this. Bless you Tea.


Thank you Tea and Merry Christmas.


Thanks tea I needed this. When I was fourteen my dad got sick on Christmas Eve, went into hospital on boxing Day and died on the 29th so the holiday season just isn't good for me anymore, I've been getting worse with each year and this year I haven't heard from my best friend in a month and over the last year I've been trying to get better and talk about what's wrong with me but last night my mum and my brother both got angry at me because they "are tired of tip toeing around for the last 3 months", they make me dig all this shit back up, hear it then say nothing about it and then explode at me because apparently they've been "tip toeing" around it. All I' be wanted to do is cry and scream and rage but I can't seem to make myself do it and now today they want to act as if they didn't just get angry and shout at me for feeling bad. Sorry I just needed to vent somewhere. Since falling into depression I've tryied to go with the attitude "well if I can't be happy at least everyone else can", Please enjoy your Christmas.


Roses are red violets are blue, rhyming is hard so instead I am going to say you are amazing. And thank you for everything you do and Merry Christmas. You are an angel, please never change


Merry Christmas, Tea!

Jeremy Knight

Christmas stopped being special to me many years ago, it used to give me this magical feeling when I was really young but it stopped when I was 8. While I do find the holiday to be very overrated I'm not the type of person to ruin everyone else's fun. got a couple of Switch games, some other things and the food is always good so that's enough for me. you have a nice day.


You are a wonder and a joy. Thank you for caring so much and have a wonderful day.


I sympathize with family doing/saying horrible things. That level of betrayal is hard to deal with at the best of times. But you sound like you're grounded, and especially at this time of year, that's just as hard, if not harder. Beyond what you've said above, I hope you take some time today to recognize how well you are handling a crappy situation. I try not to err on the side of excess positivity, but you really should be proud.


Do what you want that’s all that matters. Chin up everyone even though you have no reason to. And thanks Tea