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"Still as soft as you remember? Well, apparently thick thighs save lives."


It's late. It's cold. It's time to sleep.

But neither one of you can.

Seems like there's only one thing for it:

"What do you think I’m doing? Come on, you know you want to. Lay your head in my lap."


The girlfriend vibes are strong with this one. Leave a comment, let me know what you'd like to hear more of, all that good stuff.

Enjoy the feels, vibes and thick-ass-thighs! 

Happy Monday!


Tea x


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio



I'm out of town in a foreign country for a week and sleep isn't easy, even though the hotel here is amazing. I hope this helps! Thanks Tea <3


Ok. First of all. Mentioning HP Puppet Pals?! Those videos were the best piece of entertainment i’ve come across in highschool. You just found the yellow brick road to my HP nerd heart. Hahaha. Idk what i enjoyed more. The fluff or the fact i understood all the meme reference? Needless to say.. i loved every bit of it.


This is salvation for Monday mornings


Remember everyone "Thicc thighs saves lives"


Laying my head on a girls thicc thighs is my dream at the moment lol


Tea why aren't you a more popular asmr-tist?


No, diet coke is bad for you. Ill get you a root beer