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Don't let 'the diagnosis' be the limit. 

Being assessed as something doesn't mean that's the end of it. 

You can have mental issues, physical issues, emotional issues, issues with sex, issues with men, issues with women, money problems, commitment fears, etc, etc, and you can still lead a full, active and wonderful life. 

Don't let there be an end to your progress and growth! There's a lot of shit we have no control over. Take strength and pride in the shit that we do! 

Go fucking get 'em, guys!

Love and hope,




Thanks for this, it helps hearing that other people have the same or similar problems, helps me out things into perspective


Fucking needed this today. Thank you ❤


Sometimes I forget that there’s 7.7 billion people on this planet and who also struggle with things in life so it’s good to see that I’m not alone