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Hello Teacups,

Yes, it's true - Frisky Fridays will be back starting next week!

I'd just like to say thank you so much for the patience and support you showed me during the NSFW hiatus. When I lost my confidence and questioned whether or not I was cut out for voice acting, the erotic content was the first thing I decided to put on pause. 

Sexual content can be extremely challenging to perform (at least for me personally) - especially when trying to do the act justice and also bring people a sense of intimacy and comfort. In all honesty, it is still the genre I find the most difficult, but I do also believe that a lot of you patrons really do get something meaningful out of it. 

I started doing erotic content because I wanted to help people. That might sound cliched or even a stretch, but I know first hand what it is to feel frightened of sex and yet still yearn for it. I think of my erotic content as a stepping stone for people who might need it. Not all of us are naturally sexual, not all of us have had a partner, not all of us have had the best or even consensual experiences with sex. I chose to make this kind of content to help people. I feel I can offer something with it. And so, after having many long words with myself, I've decided to get back on the frisky horse! 

With all sincerity, I have appreciated your kindness more than you can know.  Happily, I now believe that I am ready to meet the challenge. And that would never have been possible without the understanding of you patrons. The break enabled me to truly take stock and slowly gain my confidence back.

As always - thank you.

Now, since we're gearing up for some sweet erotic content, why not compile our ideas? If you have a NSFW concept, please leave it down below in the comments and I'll considering putting it in Monday's Frisky Friday poll.


Tea x


Lisa Palmer

Maybe an audio where art imitates life: a couple have been on a sexual break. Maybe one of them wasn't in the right mental space, maybe one had a crisis of confidence. Whatever happened, they agreed to put the brakes on physicality for a bit and are now ready to reconnect.


How about a couple where they’re both affectionate but they don’t want to rush things even though they’re friends are pressuring them. It could be like after a second date and both agree that’s it’s time. As soon as they get home, shut the door they pounce on each other and can’t wait any longer. It’s a race to the bed for a night of passion and after the deed is done they laugh and agree that it was worth the wait.


Thank you so so much. I really do appreciate it. And comments like these really do help me say 'screw you' to the little monster of doubt inside! Thank you <3

Steven W

Well I'm a degenerate that likes being dominated but also likes being told that he is a wonderful and good boy, so some sort of gentle femdom would be stellar. I'm also glad to hear you're doing better, Tea. It's nice to know our collective support managed to help you through struggle. We'll always be here for you, don't forget that.


I'm a new patron of yours, and I gotta say, I love the content you put out. You're so passionate and caring about what you do. Its really inspiring. Keep pushing forward Miss Teacup. 😁


I think it's safe to say that the Milky Mommy audio went down a treat. Why not double down? The listener works in a farm with Holstaurs (cow girls) and help them with milking. Things get steamy(er than normal) and after a few months of holding back the listener gives into the Holstaur's sexual advances. Then they have a wild time in a barn, with much enjoyment and much milk drinking. Directly from the source.

Tex the Gentle Giant

Before I want to give my ideas, I just want to put my two cents into what you were saying about even the erotic content helping people. Without getting political, I will say I grew up extremely religious, then decided to forge my own path. Going separate from what you know is a terrifying experience, and if not for you and others like Aural Honey, I don't know that I'd be making that journey. I am one of the people who fall under the category of lacking any sort of romantic experience in any form, wanting it but either too afraid, or in my case, unable to do so. Believe it or not, you do help people like me, more than you know, especially since we exist on the fringe of what would be considered normal. Sappy thanks and reaffirmation aside, let's get to the ideas. Bona Dea was the Roman goddess of fertility who held a festival in early December. If you're looking to go the supernatural route, that could give you some inspiration. Maybe something with possession? If not, maybe something along the lines of "A simple kiss under the mistletoe leads to more." Alternatively, there's the coy "Unwrap me this year" plot. What better present than a frisky weekend with your SO?

Samwise Thebravee

I'm ashamed to admit I raised my patreon pledge when I read the titles of FF, they reaaaaly catch your attention. What can I say I'm a simple man. But I would be patreon anyway since I didn't even know these existed before. And I believe your videos have helped me have a better and most importantly healthy attitude towards intimacy. Even more through your awesome discord channel ! I just hope you never feel pressured to doing anything, that would really be a shame since you're such a wonderful person.


Are any of the old FF poll winners be made?


I’m new so I don’t know the content change you made but I like your nsfw audios because it helps me feel better about my body since I’m fairly insecure. Thanks for all your hard work. P.S. maybe a virgin boyfriend and experienced girlfriend would be a good topic?

Lobonoa Zoro

Your archive is huge by now and i cant remember if you had done it already, but what about a closet freak. Sweet shy girl going out with current partner, then when things heat up and taken to the bed room, a switch is flipped and she begins to unexpectedly start taking control and getting provocatively aggressive

Connor Mckenzie

You could thematically match the same kinda of situation in the audio as what you detailed above. There are plenty of real life scenarios of self doubt and pushing away those that are close. Open ended, but perhaps it could spark an idea.

Jeremy Knight

I always liked your girlfriend role plays and I really enjoyed your erotic role plays back when I joined in June. It's good that you got your confidence back. I'll suggest this one more time but I doubt it'll get picked, a friends to lovers role play (male x dom female) where two friends are on a beach alone and the female friend is incredibly attractive and the listener is shy and has a massive crush on her. after a hour of swimming she notices that he's been acting strange and asks what's wrong, then notices a tent in his trunks.


Im ngl idk wat got you so worked up but u have my favorite voice on youtube except for maybe asmrglow and im not even sure of that. Dont beat yourself up over that and remember: theres a reason we are all here

Ryan Faulknor

I know you've probably gotten this before (and even done it before in your NSFW stuff) but maybe you could do more for the kink acceptance stuff. Other categories like feet or leather or something. I think what you've done so far is incredible and comforting for people.

Kyle Thomler

Go you! It's good that you want to keep doing stuff to help people, even if its uncomfortable stuff. While I personally have hang ups about listening to someone talk the sexy without having a relationship with them, I'm still glad that you feel ok with making content that many of your patrons like.

Stuart E

First of all it's good to hear that you are back on your feet. We all have our up and down moments in life but all you can ever do is power through them. As for an audio idea maybe something a little sci fi related. A space traveling individual who had become stranded on another races planet. They've been there long enough that despite being an outsider they've integrated well. Maybe through all that time there is an individual that the main character has grown close to but never gone further with because of obvious reasons. Being together is certainly one way to bridge a gap between two different beings haha. Not sure what works best in terms of who has what role, your own choice I suppose. I get that the idea is little far out there but it's just something random I came up with. Guess you could blame it on all the Mass Effect I've been playing lately haha.

Camilo Iribarren

I gotta say.... I enjoy both your YouTube ASMRs and your frisky Friday archives. Thank you for all these gifts