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Hello Teacups,

I've delayed posting this message for a while, but I figure I need to say this now before things get out of control. Ultimately, something difficult has happened and it has completely knocked my confidence.

In all honesty, I feel totally out of my depth and unable to produce anything decent. This snowball effect all started with the taxing work commitments of my voiceover projects and my Teacup obligations. Finally culminating in said incident and now I am in complete burnout.

I apologise for any inconvenience, annoyance or disappointment I may be causing with this update. But I don't want to embarrass myself or insult you with my current performance abilities. You patrons are always my top work priority and I truly never want to disappoint you. You deserve the best of my abilities and right now my best simply isn't good enough. 

I sincerely appreciate your support and patience. I understand that I am a content creator and I want to get back to creating the content you deserve. But to do that I need to properly sort myself out and get back to full strength. There is a flawed, real person behind these voices. She just needs some time. 

Thank you for being here on the good and bad days alike.

I will be back soon and better. 

Best wishes,

Tea x



Lisa Palmer

Take your time, Tea. We're not going anywhere 😊

Chris Gehue

Get some well deserved rest! We’ll be here when you get back


Take all the time you need. Hope everything can look better


Life is a mix of ups and downs. However if they were only ups, you'd be mechanical. We love the human side to all the audios and the honest personal posts (which you don't have to share but I'm glad you do). Look after yourself, take what time you need, and come back strong!

Tex the Gentle Giant

We understand completely. Life can be overwhelming. I think I can confidently say we all will support in any way possible, and are willing to wait as long as you need. You already help a lot of people with your content, and we are more than happy to return the effort.


Nothing wrong with needing a break to sort things out. Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you come back. 🙃


We will still be here tea, i dont plan on leaving and neither does anyone else here. Do what you need to do


Take your time. Everyone needs time in their life just for themselves. I'm not paying just for the content, I'm paying because I want to support you. I will continue to support you and I hope things get better for you! You're an amazing person and I can't thank you enough for all the help you've givin' me!


Tea take time for yourself, whatever you need to do. You know that we're gonna be here for you, I for one am certainly not angry that you need to take time for yourself. Please rest up and recharge, and just remember that there are a lot of people who know you are awesome.


It’s okay take as much time as you need. We completely understand, don’t worry us worry about you. We have hundreds of your past up loads to hold us over it is okay to take it easy once in a while. Only request is you won’t come back until you are at %100 not %99 but %100. You are truly a great person, hope everything gets worked out. I appreciate you!

Steven W

We all love you, Tea. You may be a content creator, but you are a human being first and foremost. I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we couldn't enjoy your work if we knew you were suffering behind the scenes. You need to take time for yourself and care for yourself before you think of us. At the end of the day, we all want you to be happy and healthy. We can wait as long as we need to. We won't abandon you. I hope things get better for you soon.


I'm just gunna say that I've been listening to your audios for years now, and never once have I been let down or disappointed. You've been helping me get to sleep since I started listening and you always will. I'm sure everyone else can agree, that even on your worst days you're still amazing. Please take your time and do what you need to do, we'll all be here when you come back.

Richard Hardslab

How could we be mad when you post a picture of such a sweetheart? More seriously though, take your time and rest to be your best, I know I appreciate you for your work but I don’t want that work to hurt you in the process


Good luck tea, get well soon


Hi Tea you know everyone here has your back. Take your time and don’t worry I’ll still be here along with the family of teacups here but it’s gonna be lonely as hell without you ;) Until we meet again Tea ✌️


Just like you said that there is a real person behind the voices just know that behind behind all the profile pictures and usernames that we teacups are also real people and we got your back. Sort yourself out fist we're not going anywhere.


Don't worry Tea, we understand. Take all the time you need.


Perfectly understandable. Life can definitely be tough with everything going on in each persons life, and I can definitely relate to feeling burned out/stressed out by work. Take as much time as you need, we all support ya👍

Jeremy Knight

I'm sorry to hear that, please do take a break. we all need time to ourselves.

Dancing Viru

get well soon, take the time you need <3

Joshua Workman

We love you, Tea. Do what you gotta do.

Barry Hall

I hope things improve very soon, Tea. Rest assured, when you feel up to performing again, we will be here. ❤️


Take all the time you need. It’s hard being an adult and everyone hits rock bottom


Everyone needs to take a break now and then :)


In some way or another, everyone takes a blow to their confidence at some point. Thing is, it's always easier to listen to one negative over a thousand positives. I don't know what happened to shake you like this, but anyone who ever succeeded at anything was knocked down along the way. If you're struggling to believe in yourself, look no further than here. What you do means something, your growing number of fans are proof of that. You're an amazing voice actress that people love & are responding to. Your fans believe in you, & we'll be here when you come back from taking whatever time you need. Take care of yourself, Tea.


I'm pretty new here, so don't know if this really means much coming from me, but take the time you need. You've helped so many of us through issues like anxiety and depression that nobody can rightfully complain if you need some time yourself. Hope things get back to normal for you. Thanks for everything.

Stuart E

Sucks to hear that you're going through a real rough patch at the moment. Just take as much time as you need to recuperate. That's the only thing that matters.


I've got your back Tea


I hope you're okay Tea


Take your time homie, we chillin


It is with sincere hope you are well rested. Burn out takes a while to recover from.