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I'm trying. But I am tired of... everything. I am not going to kill myself, but if death did come for me, I would gladly welcome it.


I'm not in your shoes and by no means even dare to evaluate your situation but think i understand partly what you mean. The singer Robbie Williams once summend up what i occasionally think: "…I don't wanna die. But I ain't keen on living either". I have my good and my bad moments. Moments were i enjoy life and the small things like the warmth of the sun, a good song or the smell of grass after a rainstorm. Then there are moments of despair, depression and self-harm (both physically and mentally). Yet i think there must be a reason why i am here. A reason why i'm still trying to bring out the best in me and trying to inspire other people. Still searching for the answer to these questions though. But i'm still here.