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The teasing while relaxing at home was always heartwarming. It felt like a pre-established connection during relaxing moments like in “happy belated halloween”


I absolutely loved the cop and criminal series and would love to see more unhinged tea or perhaps a remake of that series with the new microphone other than that your do friends kiss is one of my favourites as it's so innocent and cute


More domestic fluff! And internal monologue Tea! And I really miss Welsh Tea and her heart-melting accent and general goofiness. :D


As others have also said, I am I big fan of wife Tea. One of my favorite videos of yours was the soldier coming home audio


The shy nurse roleplay was one of the first one's I ever listened to, after that I began listening to all your audios. Welsh Tea and the umbrella series are definitely some of my favorites, I'm also hoping for a part 2 of the witch audio.


What made your early work meaningful to me and influential in my life was your portrayal of diverse moments in happy, healthy, loving relationships. They're rich in kindness, affection, emotional warmth, and making the listener feel worthy, wanted, and appreciated. Listening to those let me figure out what was unhealthy about my LTR so I could extricate myself from it and look for something like what you portray. While I'm looking, your audios (especially those early ones) are a surrogate source of love, care, and affirmation that make up for the lack of the kind of connection I want.


Fantasy RP drama, Im such a sucker for those


I still hold today that my favourite audio you’ve done is ‘The Witch’, the story behind the character, loosing a close friend maybe even more was heartbreaking and the attitude of the Witch made the audio so compelling. It’s absolutely an audio that I’ve been hoping for a sequel so plz Tea


I really like shy Tea like the one in Under Your Umbrella.

Steven Tep

I like the one with the gf walks in to the room quietly while the bf is asleep but suddenly woke up then the gf talks to him while falling back asleep and the one audio that the soldier suprises gf


As i stated on twitter, i was first attracted to your audios for the "girlfriend experience" and "friends to lovers" audios. But all your stuff is good sh*t, Tea ;)


Exactly this. Please do more of these audios. They help to fill an important void for some of us, and the quality of these audios is so good. This is the reason I became a subscriber.

Joshua Workman

Girlfriend experience and friends to lovers


I like all of your content, so whatever you choose to focus on is fine with me. Since you’re soliciting suggestions, I would like to see a return visit to Tea’s Tea Shop.

Richard Hardslab

I remember the 40 minute massage audio and the 1 hour sleep over video were the pair that I listened to over and over again for the longest time

Drew Switzer

Nurse Tea was and would still be my favorite if it was still uploaded. She had her professional life all sorted out but her her personal life was a bit of a mess. At once both together and scatterbrained. The three parts made it feel like a full story not just a snippet and while the ending wasn't "the end" it was a nice way to see the pair on their way and let the viewer/listener end the tale their own way. More of that. Simple normal people stories with relatable characters. I love the magic and fantasy stuff, it's very well done, but when I found out that Nurse Tea was gone I was rather put out.


The older ones are just so... slice of life, y'know? Even the silly vignette ones, like "we're co-pilots", felt super tranquil; like the only thing it was missing was the pre-flight announcements.