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Hello Teacups,

This Friday is Fabulous Friday. That means it is SWF content that's up for creative grabs this week.

So, what concepts shall we explore?

Please comment down below and I'll consider all ideas for the poll tomorrow. 

Best wishes,





How about a girlfriend taking her boyfriend out for a dance in the rain?


I’m thinking a nice poetry reading?


What about waking up from a coma, or comforting after a serious injury in the hospital?


An Orc Woman and her human boyfriend/girlfriend just being all sweet and romantic


Photography session (listener is the subject)


Online friends meet for the first time and sparks fly 😉

Lobonoa Zoro

2 fighters (boxers, mma, jujitsu) sparring, then pent up feelings start to surface. Tea pins or knocks them down, THEN things get intense


Roadtrip/long drive conversations... lol.. just cuz i do long drives often and half of the time it’s a lonely drive😔


GF and BF going to see a movie. An Action Movie!!!


How about a confession during a photo shoot between crushes?


A long flight back together after a tiring work trip


Camping trip? Young couple taking a long weekend for themselves off the grid, and cuddling up under a clear starry sky wondering why the hell they put up with so much BS in their daily lives. 😂

Jeremy Knight

How about a Love confession between servant (the listener) and his Mistress who's a tyrannical Queen as they relax on the beach.

Steven Tep

Trip to Tokyo


This has been in my head for a little. The listener and Tea are close friends and they're having a sleepover. Tea thinks that the listener has fallen asleep, so she pours her heart out to them while they're "sleeping" because she's too afraid of what the listener would think of her confession of love. But in reality the listener hasn't fallen asleep and hears everything Tea says. Eventually the listener decides to drop the act and "wakes up". Tea is in shock and is embarrassed but the listener lets her know that they feel the same way about her.