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Hello Teacups,

Since last week was a Frisky Friday audio, this week will be a regular one. As such, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what we should bring to life this week. 

All suggestions will be read and considered.

Thank you so much. Poll to follow tomorrow. 

Best wishes,

Tea x



Duke The Rebel

Possibly new parts to already existing audio series or pilots for new stories

Neil Winter

A strong and prideful Vampire Tea


Big fan of the sleep audios whether comforting, cuddling, etc to help relax or maybe Tea reading something like short stories.


Taking care of you in the hospital


Nurse tea? Maybe crime fighting partners?


The next part for under your umbrella or the tavern girl


Bring back the gypsy series please!


Viking Princess meets a farmer who wants to be a Viking warrior after his home is destroyed during a raid or attack. Your father (chief or king w.e.) defended the land, his home was part of but sadly couldn’t save everyone but you two are friends so you fear for his safety and try to stop him from losing himself in his rage. Just a concept/scenario idea lol


With a thick northern English accent? Lol obvi idk I just thought I’d add that bit sorry lol 😂