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"Well, I thought that was your role. You’re the lord. You summoned me here. So, perhaps you should answer your own question: what am I doing here?"


You were doomed the moment you laid eyes on her.

Her small mouth, her pretty feet, her dark eyes - everything about her aimed to stop you, haunt you, make you think of her in the night.

There's a knock at your door and you feel yourself move on instinct - want - need

"You sent for me, my lord." 


*Surprise, Teacups!*

I got the idea for this audio when I was re-watching the old seasons of Game of Thrones. The character is based on my own version of Shae (Tyrion's love interest and whore). 

My favourite interaction between her and him comes from their very first meeting where Tyrion asks 'What kind of accent is that?' to which Shae smugly replies 'Foreign'

I loved the idea of a prostitute (or even just a low ranking woman) having some satisfaction at not being 'got'. She can be bought, used, thought of poorly, but she can never be pinned down or truly understood. She is 'foreign' - mysterious, enticing and free from the mainland. So yes, this accent is 'foreign', not one particular one. I call it 'foreign beauty', but for some context it was inspired by mostly Spanish and other European accents. Anyway, long-winded, totally unnecessary explanation aside...

Please enjoy this Wanton Wednesday Audio!


*P.S. I have a really bad case of the flu right now so I apologise if you can hear that in the audio. The amount of editing I had to do to get rid of the phlegm noises *headache pounds ominously* 


Tea x


Shout out to some of the amazing artists who have generously contributed fan art to this channel:






D. Thomas





And a few other awesome people who do not wish to have their names be disclosed.


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Audio by: TeacupAudio

Script by: TeacupAudio




What exactly IS Wanton Wednesday? Is there a theme, or...?


Ahh yes, when Spain no longer is european and the rest of the 50 other european countries become one under the same accent :D (Not hating, just find it funny)


It’s whenever Tea feels like she has more than one Frisky audio in her that week 😎✨✨


Sorry to hear that you’re sick... I hope you feel better ASAP, Tea! 😊


Feel better Tea ^^.

Philybug from Facepalm City

The fact I’m thinking about ordering wonton soup for dinner later straight up made me spit my drink. I am easily entertained, I know.

Holden Gladden

I really liked the accent.