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"Ooooooh, I know. I know you missed me. I can tell. Because whenever you miss me you’re always extra grabby when you see me again."


It's been a long, long time. 

She's been away, working hard, doing her best.

But now she's home and it's about damn time for you to show her just how much you've missed her. 


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 


Matt G

Ooo 20 mins I’m looking forward to this 😁


OOOOOOOoooooooooooooohhhhh, FUCK the hell YES! It's back!!!


Would of been great if it started like this. Its quite late in the evening there’s a thunderstorm outside and the listener is walking around the house doing stuff, then the front door suddenly opens and a familiar figure is standing there wearing NVGs. The listener would say “Tea?” She would them take the NVGs off and with the sound of thunder in the background she says, “Kept you waiting, huh?”

Jacob Griffith

That was amazing, Tea. And yes, the studio has had a great effect on the audio quality!


You weren't kidding when you said it was frisky. Wasn't expecting quite the level of enthusiasm. Call me pleasantly surprised lol.


Hooked once you said ‘the girls missed you’ xD


That was an experience.


This made my day, weekend and month

Joshua R



*listens for the third time in as many nights, is still blown away* hello yes hi there yes I'm dead and writing this from beyond the grave thank you hello yes this was lovely ❤😂


This is how I start 2021