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A repository that you personally curate and control? Yeah I’m down for that. Would probably make it even easier finding things too since you could easily categorize and sort things into their own pages and playlists! Go for it lady!


Makes perfect sense. Might as well have full control over all of your creative content in one location.

Neil Winter

With YouTube demonitizing everything on your channel, a website seems like a wise and necessary idea. Especially since it'll be easier to find certain content


My only concern would be keeping the website secure. Other than that, I don’t see much of a reason to argue against making your own website. Do what you think is best!

Gary Nevills

Might be a good idea, given how puritanical both YouTube and Patreon are becoming.


That idea slaps hard


Dooooooooooo eet!


I like this idea.


I think that would be a great idea.


If it gives you the tools and freedoms you need/want for your creations, I'm all for it.


That is a GREAT idea!

Daniel Rebecchi

I love the idea, as long as its still good for you!


I have a content provider who is closing his Patreon for a Paypal account to provide content, though I don't know how that might help you out. Either way, I appreciate all you do (even though I don't speak much).


While I do like the idea of you doing what you want with no interference from others or outside factors. I have the fear it might cause a stagnation in your growth. We all know that YouTube can be a butthole, but you can't deny that it is still one of the single best ways to grow a personal following. We all want to see you grow and expand and add more people to this great community. Just something to think over