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"I never imagined it would be a man like you. But there we are. All’s fair, all’s strange."


So, it's finally happened.

You, The Lone One, have been hit. No, not hit - scorched. The bastard used explosives on you, and now for the first time in years, you’re forced to remember that unmistakable sting.

Pain. How long has it been?

Your skin burns under your armour, your organs clench and hiss. This is bad.

You curse it all. Your wounds, your carelessness, and most of all your part in this pointless, tedious war. 

This can’t be fixed by laying low. You have to get it seen to.

There's only one place you can go.

Only one person stupid enough to help you.

It almost makes you laugh. 

It looks like the little medic is in for a surprise.


Hello Teacups.

Please enjoy the start of early Patreon uploads. From now on, all new audios will be uploaded to Patreon a week before they are released on YouTube.

Just another way for me to say thank you for all your much needed support.

All the best,

Teacup x



Warden D.

I've been so looking forward to this.


He can replace his armor...but his stomach? Not so much. 😂 Fantastic job!!!


Whoa...the feels are strong with this one. 👍 Excellent job T.


“Do you ever think about how we got here? How you got here?” Well I got my ass nailed by a guy with a M32 rotary grenade launcher which threw me out of the building I was in from the 1st floor, hobbled around the city for a mile and a bit, ghosted my way through half of this base like Sam Fisher then... oh wait you meant how I got here in this war, sorry my bad please continue. Great job as always Tea looking forward to the next one 😁