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Not sure if you meant wide or tall but Iโ€™m a little of both and very much the second part. It feels very nice to be appreciatedโค๏ธ


While they are gems, they are the most vulnerable. Men in whole I wish to protect

Lobonoa Zoro

Us dudes who gota go out and do the "manly" thing.......... but low key live being the little spoon XD


*awkward, small smile and chuckle* .....Thanks, Tea. *looks around, awkwardly*


Thank you tea, it feels so good to have someone say that, I'm 6'1" and weigh 355 pounds, I've had people just freeze in terror at the sight of me, I look very stoic and stand offish when really I'm just freaking out not knowing what to say, but really my favourite thing to do is hug and snuggle up with someone and just chill out playing games or watching some dumb show.


That's me in a nutshell, so I guess you're welcome lol


...but i'm small and shy? *sniff* :-)