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Happy Friday to you too Tea❤️ I needed that today.


Honestly its been nice seeing your positive posts lately so thanks!


Hmmm... In the spirit of friendly discussion: I don't know that I agree with that. "Good" is (obviously) a way of glossing over details -- just like any other way you might describe a person. That can certainly be valuable for shorthand, for validation, and so on, but I would argue there are times when we use it to avoid having to look at things we'd rather not see in ourselves. I mean, I certainly don't consider myself to be a good person. I don't consider myself to be a bad one, either. I think -- and this is the point of this whole diatribe -- I am a person. Plain and simple. I can look at myself and see "good" things, I can look at, myself and see "bad" things, but none of that changes me being a person. And ultimately, I think that just being a person is enough. Random Friday thoughts. Ignore if they're not useful for you ;)


NEW MESSAGE: Hello! My Patreon app won’t let me reply to the other replies so I’m sorry but technology and me don’t mix well: I’m improvising and working with my limited skills😆 Anyway... I feel this has ALL been a misunderstanding. My response: ‘I don't know, man. I'm just trying my best to give people some needed up-lift! :)’ Literally just meant that. I honestly don’t know what the right or wrong answer is. Heck, I don’t think there is one. I’m not trying to convert anyone to my dumb way of thinking, I literally just mean with all my posts ‘life’s short, we can do this, don’t be too hard on yourself, etc, etc!’ I’m no philosopher. Just a lady who likes positivity and pizza. I hope everyone is doing well. I can’t wait to come back rested. All the best, Tea x


Always secure your own life-jacket before assisting others. ❤