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Couldn’t have said it better myself Tea!


It's like my thought process when someone at my school said, "but YOU have 364 days!" (I'm cis-het male). Reality is, that's not entirely true. SOME men have TONS of priority and undeserved privilege. But many of us don't. And it really sucks that the #NotAllMen hashtag has been so widely ridiculed (justifiably so, mind) that those of us who AREN'T "alpha" and VERY MUCH ARE giving a fuck about the fight for equality can't ensure the Women's Day sentiment isn't weaponized. But I see both sides of most gender and sexuality related issues, as do I most sociopolitical issues in general. And my crazy-high levels of empathy make my heart sink and my soul hurt. Anyway! I'll happily raise a glass to all the awesome women out there in the Internet Land! *chug-a-lug!*


chug chug -a- lug!!!!!!!!!

