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John Giss

When I was younger we would go sailing in the north sea. Every night I dreamed about multiple sharks coming for our boat.

John Giss

I know... dreams are crazy right?


Being loved and commitment, scares the shit out of me. It’s not something I feel like I deserve or am capable of justifying to myself. If that’s not irrational I don’t know what is. Just listened to today’s video and It’s dug up a lot of stuff.


I got scared of by my grandma's dog it scared me so much i didnt want another animal for a while. It got so bad that I didn't even want to touch turtles or baby chicks


When I was a lot younger I was worried that gravity could be switched off and I would fall endlessly into the sky. Scared of falling ever since.

Billy Denton

I have a fear of eye trauma generally. It's so severe I can't wear contacts, because I can't put them in


I personally have the time-honoured traditional fear of the dark. As far back as I can remember I've had it. During the teen years I naturally turned it into some angsty thing about (ironically) 'seeing' some part of myself in it but even now it stresses me the hell out on some base, instinctual level.


When I was a kid my grandparents had a motion sensor activated cartoon moose head that would sing jingles. They gave it to me for Christmas last year. I threw it out.


I'm terrified of holding babies. I just know they'll forget how to breathe the moment I'm holding them and no one is looking. Babies man.


My irrational fear as a child was the attic opening from the other every night I dreaded going to bed because where my bedroom and bed was located I could see the attic my bedroom door had a window above it so even closing my door didnt help me from seeing it.


I was always afraid I’d fall onto a door handle and it’d bust my head open


I’m pretty good with most things but human bodies with dog heads creep me out!


Thanks for the nightmare fuel!!!! I can't say mine cause it's dark as fuck. But a side note i have a baby magpie just wandering around my living room after he was brought to me at 3am last night after falling from the nest. I am tempted to name him teacup aha


Mine is the fear of a large spider suddenly jumps and perfectly lands on my face


Mine used to be dogs, but I'm totally fine now with 98% of floofers, zoomers, and borkers. The biggest irrational fears for me RIGHT MEOW are physical and emotional. First, despite knowing how to swim fairly competently I cannot imagine being adrift in open water without shivering over the thought. If I can't see the ground beneath my feet, I lose my shit. Second, I have this constant irrational fear of being a disappointment to parents/instructors/authority figures, and to a slightly lesser degree with friends/partners/colleagues. All the evidence in my life tends to utterly refute my hypotheses, but I still believe sometimes I don't measure up nor have reached an "acceptable" potential, whatever the fuck that is.

Neil Winter

You know those moments when you wake up from a nightmare and you feel like you're falling? When I was younger, I used to think that one of those times, I would actually be falling through my bed to my death


I have probably the weirdest one - When I'm in an open outdoor area I'll often get this weird feeling in the back of my mind that gravity will disappear and I'll go floating off into space. I know it's ridiculous to even imagine that this could happen, but I can't help getting that uneasy feeling. Apparently it's called barophobia, and there's an opposite version of it where people feel like they'll be crushed by gravity.


Holy shit, I made my comment before I saw this, and I had no idea there would be someone with the same thing here!


My biggest fear, although maybe not irrational, is losing control of myself. I won’t drink or do drugs or anything like that only because of this fear and no other reason. I want to experience my life and not let a moment slip past.

ric robinson

One word--- needles.

Richard Hardslab

I have an intense fear of heights. It began with the thought of dropping my gameboy from 20+ stories up, then got worse with the fear of dropping myself from a tall height(don't remember how high, just that I had to be clipped onto an overhead rope for security)


I have plenty of rational fears. Irrational? When I was a kid, I had to make sure my blinds were closed so the animals outside couldn't see into my room. I still get weirded out by animals - but mostly just the ones that walk on their hind legs. Creepy.

Joshua Workman

Of being seen. I know, totally irrational, because people are going to see me as I go about my day at work, but I really don't like it.

Gary Nevills

Falling down a flight of stairs. I'm almost 50, and have bad knees, so this may not be completely irrational. Oddly enough, I have never had that happen, but I have fallen UP a flight of stairs 3 times.

Gary Nevills

I understand. My family has a history of addictive personalities, so I stay away from that stuff. I also don't particularly like watching others get drunk or stoned either.


See-through railings and the like. I had a full-blown panic attack in the Whispering Gallery of St. Paul’s, and just a picture of it still gives me the chills.

boi aguirre

Everytime i use a restroom that has a shower. I check behind the curtain to make sure a serial killer isn't hiding waiting to strike while I'm going restroom. Literally no matter who restroom im in i check it EVERY SINGLE TIME. LOL


When I was younger I watched this hokey werewolf horror movie with one scene of a werewolf suddenly jumping out of the shadows at the main hero. For years afterwards whenever I tried to go to bed I was terrified one of those things would suddenly jump out of the closet at me.


The dentist. Had a horrible experience when I was young and I can not even deal with it.


Heights. I know alot of people have that, but mine is... over the top. Even something like going down stairs can get me. Anything above ground level and I am uncomfortable. When I was really small I was brought on a Pharaoh's Swing ride, and was put at the very end. A small child looking over the end of that... Scarred me for life.


Mine was that every body of water somehow had sharks in it, Thanks to the Jaws ride at Universal Studios. I remember taking a shower the next day and being scared that a shark would come up through the floor and get me...in a shower on the 5 floor of a hotel in the middle of Florida. Wow I was so dumb as a child now that I think I about it! xD Also side note, Sharks are actually my favorite animal and cage diving with great whites is still at the top of the list of shit I need to do before I die.


Well I have ocd, a small amount of paranoia and a heightened ability of risk/probability "calculation", so being in traffic or around large groups have never been that fun.


Yooooooooo, I'm the same. Even in my own house or apartment, lol.


Open a Twitter account and tweet Teacup tweeting at Teacup. M E T A


Right?! I mean, I know I'd be a good father, objectively speaking. But my irrational Brain Weasels keep saying I'd somehow break the poor thing.


Great, I now have Iron Maiden's "Fear of the Dark" stuck in my head! Not complaining, though, it's a real banger! 😂


When i was a kid i would've been on the same page as you! (doctors had to restrain me with three people to give me a shot) But once you've been stung in the weiredst places you lose your fear of needles. It comes down to the location the needle hits and the level of tension. Being tense increases the resistance of the skin making it harder for the needle to penetrate the skin. Heck i'm even donating blood quarterly. Something i'd never imagine i would do one do. But i totally feel you: needles are really unpleasent and something i don't need on a daily basis. :-)


Spiders. Just for being what they are. As a kid i had an unpleasent confrontation with one while sitting in the bathtub: that little bugger was slowly creeping and crawling from the spillover / overflow of the tub. What didn't helped was the fact that we a) had a lot of spiders in our cellar and b) that one afternoon i've seen the movie <i>Aliens</i> while being at one of the older kids in our neighbourhood. A movie totally inappropriate for my age of course. So yeah... spiders, cellars and me don't go along that well.


...oh, i totally forgot that: as a kid i was afraid that cars could turn over if the passengers inside didn't distribute accordingly. In my mind a car wasn't heavy but light as, say plastic. If one or more persons were sitting on just one side, the car would turn over so the passengers had to balance out each others position.


I am scared of ants for some reason. I think it was because we got to watch a movie with school and a character in it got covered in some similar insect and my younger brain connected it with the non harmful ants in my country.