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Let's spice it up, Teacups!

I'd really like to expand and do something different.

So, let me know what you'd like to hear me do.

Of course, safe and familiar concepts are welcome, as always. But if there's something you haven't seen me do and want - I'm all ears.

All the best,





What about: •Fantasy adventures •crossovers with other voice actors


Having the listener be an amputee. Ive got a friend who lost his arm when he was little and I’ve seen how that can screw with someone so like a little uplifting audio about that. And Demons. Demons are cool too.


Really love those confessions from a shy guy audios


You could try do some warhammer 40k stuff, i mean, no one has really done it before. You could have a senario where a sister of battle is resting alongside a guardsman after a crusade. Or a senario where an female eldar has a guardsman or vindicare assassin cornered... I may or may not be a 40k fan


Maybe a wrestling audio


I would love to hear a story in either a fantasy medieval or a sci-fi setting 💜


How about support right before a concert? Roles can be interchangeable, if you'd like.


Maybe something like a evil queen or an alien invader, would be a breath of fresh air. It would be fun to see how tea portrayed those types of characters.


I always love bdsm themed asmr, it could be both sexual and non sexual and there’s endless scenarios you could do.


More tavern girl would be amazing, also, some kinda taking care of you/fixing you audio, like where the listener has been hurt pretty badly and your character is trying to save them. Very angsty love confessions for everyone! That one could also work great in a fantasy or scifi setting. You could maybe do something post apocalyptic as well. Whatever you do, I know it will be perfect as always!💛


Perhaps something in which we are the kidnappers who kidnapped Tea to bring their company / family to relent, for example, a hostile takeover or approval to sell the family villa Or Tea is a warrior on a quest and we are actually just a farm boy who is somehow slipping in and can not really fight but really just wants to run the camp, cook, drag stuff and so on. Or something in which we are a soldier on the ground who is surrounded by enemies and talks to Tea over the radio while she tries to get us out with her team. Or we are firefighters who bring tea from a burning house, rolls can of course be reversed. Maybe we and Tea are both firefighters and after a hard mission cheers us up. just a few ideas


I would vote for two things: first, another multi-part series like Tavern Girl, where the character and situation get more fully explored and developed. And second? MORE CUTE PURPLE DRAGON LET'S PLAYS! Spyro pls. Pls? Yes, pls.


I like the Warrior Tea x Civilian Listener scenario! Maybe the latter could be a travelling merchant who's fallen under ambush and follows Tea on her quest in thanks?


So, with the release of the Division 2 coming up, I would love to hear some post apocalyptic viral outbreak survivor stuff. Tea is the agent who has been in the fight for awhile and we are just activated agents. You give us some briefing and advice over the different factions that occupy the area. Hell, i'll write it if ya want lol XD.


Considering how many people enjoyed the Mercenary and Medic roleplay, I’d say more videos along that line. Maybe where you are a rival mercenary or, a intergalactic bounty hunter and the listener is your bounty? Those are just a few ideas.


Big loving cutesy oni girl, thanks.


I have always heard of two people getting together when they were friends or just on a date but how about were it's in the wrong doing, like either the listener or speaker is in a relationship (or both could be in one) and they could leave that person or cheat on them to be with the listener/speaker I always wanted to hear audio for something that was wrong in that sort of way. Something like the ending of Cast Away


How about a detective interrogating a mob boss. (Some back story you grew up together (close friends) but you come from a family of law (cops and Lawyers) while the listener is from a crime family, eventually that split the two of you apart) So, now You're the badass detective and you're questioning the listener who has risen to be the head of their crime family. You're asking about attempted hits on you. Multiple assassin's have tried to take you out. But they've failed in every attempt. The evidence points towards your old friend but it turns out through the interrogation you discover that the listener isn't trying to kill you...they've been trying to protect you....

Ballistic Gnome

What about a bartender Tea? The listener could be getting over a breakup or ran off to the bar to get away from their significant other after a fight. Tea could have that age-old wisdom that seems to come with owning a bar, and give the listener a nugget of it or just be there to listen.

Steven Tep

You should do a girlfriend tries japanese green tea or makes japanese green tea in a traditional style


Still waiting on bad girl tea


Spanking!!! Or something BDSM


I've been in a cyberpunk mood lately. Playing lots of Shadowrun. Few interesting ideas could be had from the genre. -A decker/hacker who is called to perform a task, does it speedily during the call. In terms of ASMR triggers could be a good one for keystrokes/nail tapping on keyboard. -A 'Mrs Johnson' giving a mission briefing to a group of shadowrunners. Giving out vague information and having to be pressed for important details and a fair payout for the job. Not sure if too many do the 'talking to more than one listener' thing often so could be interesting. -DocWagon (Combat Medics in Armoured Vehicles) rocking up in the middle of a job to safely extract a client from a firefight. Doesn't exactly lead itself to 'Calm and Relaxing' but could be fun. -A Morgue worker who is going about their job only to have one of the cadavers they were about to open up come back to life because they were faking their death through magical or chemical means. Quite a shock I'd imagine.


Weird one but a Knight riding through a town with a plague. Something where you sound high and might to the afflicted. Maybe even malicious. It’s more a backdrop and voice for you than a real idea.


A lot of people tend to find the sounds of water/waves conducive to ASMR so that opens up a whole realm of possibilities, like a beach day or being on a cruise. One idea I've had for a while is Tea taking the role of a mermaid who ends up tangled in a fishing net after not heading warnings about how dangerous the surface dwellers can be. At which point the listener comes along and helps Mer-Tea get free from the net showing her not all surface dwellers are so bad at heart possibly starting a romantic relationship.


I'd like to see a return of the tavern maid series ^^


Im really wanting more bad girl tea but if new then how about something fantacy like trancefer studied for ilvermorny to Hogwarts (im on a harry potter trip right now)


Pleas do more bad girl tea