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I literally had this happen to me tonight. A month ago, I'd have been triggered into a sobbing apologetic mess, hating my sex and gender. But I've turned the corner on my irrational guilt, finding myself and my own moral compass in the process. So I guess what I'm trying to say is: thank you. And to anyone else here who's experienced hatred and prejudice of their own, regardless of identity, station, or form of existence: you're worthy of love and kindness simply by virtue of being alive. ❤


Heck yeah those are words to live by


People just need to relax. Everyone treats every issue like its life or death. Just gotta shrug and go on about your own way.


Great post. This kind of thing is far too common today.


I mean, for some, it's derived from life and death struggles, or traumatic experiences, or legitimate inequalities. Yet again, those of us acting responsibly and fairly with courtesy and compassion fall afoul of reflexive retribution and guilt-by-association sometimes. It's as much important to understand their motivations and fears as it is to stand firm on your position. I try not to engage with them, difficult as it may be, as their experiences and emotions are just as valid as ours. I simply want meaningful and respectful dialogue on social issues, for the benefit of everyone, but it seems when I reach down to lift people up, they punch me away instead. This is the age of division we live in today, fueled by misinformation and self-serving media bias. I love all people, deep down. I have socially-conditioned biases of my own, which I work to change. But my empathy often causes more self-harm than good. I'm thankful for my anxiety counseling and mindfulness regimen. I guess what I'm rambling on about is everyone needs to just TALK and get to know our feelings and experiences in a respectful, genuine manner, and see what we can ALL do to go about our lives. Change is constant, but gradual; future generations will solve the puzzle but we need to find the pieces first!


The critical thing is that in 99.9% of cases, they're not talking specifically to or about individuals. If a couple of apples in a five-pound bag are spoiled, it reflects poorly on the reputation of the entire product line, regardless of quality control.


It took me seven years of treatment and counseling to discover this and drill it into my brain. Even then, it's an ongoing struggle.