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As long as you mention the roleplay I think it’s fine.


Completely fine if you don't want to keep it


I think its worth keeping because especially the sensual/erotic recordings people associate "ASMR" with that anyways; in terms of exposure and discovery its the best tag to attract your audience even if you don't do the whispering crinkly thing.


It isn’t really asmr, so yeah probably take it out, but the roleplay aspect is great!


I don't categorize you as ASMR but I put you in the same vein.


You’re right, your audios were never really ASMR to begin with, then again they could be classified as ASMR, but it’s your ultimate choice. Because it might deter some people away from your content. But then that would just be false advertisement. I personally think you should just keep it.


I think it would make sense for audio that isn't intended to be ASMR. The tag should be saved for ones that are specifically made to be ASMR, if you make any like that. Seems logical to me 😛

Neil Winter

I define ASMR and your content to be different things. Roleplay is meant to tell a story that compels their audience and that is what your content is about. So I'd drop it


Lol I still get tingles, the tag is irrelevant. However, I think it does draw in more viewers/listeners because of how trendy ASMR has been as of late, but outside of that I don’t see a point to keeping it.

Sebastian S

Think that it's fine either way, if you make any intentional ASMR videos you can always add the the tag to those vids. I always found your content to be relaxing and I don't think that that is going to change just because of a tag.


Agree with some of the others. If you want to drop it drop it. But it may still bring new listeners to you.


While the tag I think has become more of a blanket term, I would imagine it would be harder for new viewers to find your videos through other ASMR content creators because that tag is missing


The majority of your content I wouldn’t really call ASMR, but that’s still how I wound up finding you so I’m not complaining. Maybe just keep the tag on audios that are more quiet?


Do whatever you want. I ( and I’m sure evryonelse) support your fully in your decisions!


Most of your audios aren’t ASMR, but there are definitely ones that are - the vampire one particularly comes to mind. I’d say “use as appropriate.”


ASMR now a days is used to define binaural sound instead of the regular ASMR meaning. I would say just make it a sub category in your work.


I honestly do not really consider your content to be ASMR. It activates a different emotional reaction for me.


To be honest, there are so many "ASMR" channels which are mostly really about voice acting that 'ASMR' is not longer that precise anymore. For most youtube regular users it means 'ASMR + voice acting'. People will understand there is more to it than just tapping on wood or that kind of stuff!


Drop the tag. While it might get attention, dropping it makes it easier to branch out into more general voice acting.

Richard Hardslab

Keep it for when you feel it applies? I enjoy your audio for the voice acting primarily


I agree with some of the others. It makes no difference to me weather you keep the tag or not, but it could help you draw more people in.


If you choose to publish role-plays then the asmr tag isn't necessary, but it just depends on what content you decide to post.


While it might not change how we all view your content, it might be a not so good move on the business side of things. To elaborate, there are a number of companies and medical organizations that are really looking into the causes and effects of ASMR. With this comes multiple journal articles and a huge amount of exposure. Couple that with companies like Samsung designing headsets specifically for it and BEHR Paint making a commercial out of it, the exposure from the tag will likely be worth it. ASMR is just a response to various auditory stimuli. Your videos provide this amply and thus, I see no reason to throw away the tag. But that is just my two cents on the matter. <3


I'd say, just use it more discerningly? I'm not really susceptible to ASMR alone, but some of your audios definitely sound like other ASMR material I've heard, and others don't.


I never would've found your videos if not for the asmr tag. Whether asmr or not your videos are usually stories or stress relievers, which are both things that people would listen to before bed to help them sleep. I think the majority of people that watch asmr are there to get help falling asleep or help with stress/anxiety, so the asmr tag definitely fits your videos.


Albeit a tad bit late (for which i want so say 'sorry'): i'm on the same page as Stanely Basara. Mostly. Without the ASMR-tag i probably wouldn't have found you. On the other hand i see your dilemma as a voice actress. Do i see your work as classic ASMR? No, i guess not. But i _did_ get some tingles in a couple of your videos, not necessarily by commonly known triggers but the topic of the roleplay and your fabulous acting. So i guess voice acting can sometimes be ASMR as well. What about coming to a consensus: set the "Roleplay" and "Voice Acting" tag first followed by "ASMR" set in brackets. If you are going to make a pure or trigger-ish audio you can still make full use of the ASMR-tag