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Joshua R



My uncle has no children of his own but he sees me more as a son than a nephew. I really value that, especially when I have to catch a plane to visit dad and I can drive to visit my uncle.


Sorry to hear that Tea. I didn’t really get a chance to know my dad. He died when I was 12. My step dad was a pos. The only good father figure I have is my grandpa, who is an incredible man. I’m very thankful for him.


I could probably never imagine how it feels to not grow up with a father as I am extremely attached to mine and always had him through out life. But I always treasure him as I know he is old and accidents come out of nowhere.


Thanks for this kind words, Tea. My wife and I had two foster children for 10 years and it was the most challenging and emotionally richest time in my entire life. Not only with lot of good and intense memories but also with huge learnings about myself. Although there was and is much suffering and failling, I never regret our decion in the past. And because love is eternal the depth of our relationship to the two young people will never fade away completely.


I don't know if I could ever raise a child. The fear of screwing things up seems just too strong. Maybe once my life feels worthwhile and "together" enough, Fate will give me a chance to reconsider my feelings.


Would love to be a father one day. I'm 19 right now, so my only goal is pretty much make money. Hopefully I get a partner soon too, wouldn't hurt ;). I truly look forward to having a family.