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You too Ms. Tea!


Aw thanks.


As someone living with social anxiety and bipolar disorder, I know that feeling all too well. It's okay to have an off day, and excellent to recognize it just comes with the territory. We all have our battles, and all we can do is keep fighting. As Bruce Cockburn said, "you gotta kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight". ❀


A lot of people who enjoy these types of videos are highly sensitive and feel everything very strongly, so 'feeling too damn much' is a very apt and insightful way to put it. Thank you so much for your videos, they really help to relax and leave the cares of the day behind. You are very appreciated! Stay safe, and enjoy your weekend!


I just found out today that I have many infections including, chest, cough, and ear infection. I have to take 6 medications for 30 days! Yay me. Health is always important and I found that out today. Not mental health but Health in general. I am starting to realize I need to take better care of myself. Hope you feel better tea!


I've spent the last 7 weeks in a psychiatric hospital and won't be getting out any time soon. It sux but Just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other. (In Australia they go by categories so sometimes u can keep ur phone)