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2019 is here, Teacups!

And with it I bring exciting news:

Frisky Friday’s will be returning! Now, I do not have an exact date, but know that it is within sight. And as such, I think it’s about time we discussed concepts.

I have a list for your perusing pleasure. Please let me know your thoughts, and of course add your own suggestions in the comments:

1. The Queen and the Protector (2) [Become Mine] [I Choose You]

2. Beauty and the Beast [I Love You as You Are] [Dom/Sub] [True Acceptance] 

3. No One Could Spoil You [Support for Sexual Abuse] [Overcoming Male Sexual Abuse] [You Are the Man I Love]

4. Egypt’s Princess [Princess/Slave] [Forbidden Love] [I Would Never Hurt You] [You Are Not My Slave] [I am Yours]

5. All or Nothing [I Don’t Wanna Be Your God Damn Fuck Buddy] [I Want You] [Be Serious or Leave Me Alone] [Friends to Lovers] [No Nonsense Woman/Smart Ass Man]

6. The Boss’ Daughter [Bodyguard/Mafia Princess] [You Work for Me] [Not My Father] [I Know You Want Me] 

All the best,




Lobonoa Zoro

Damn these are all pretty good, hard to pick lol

Neil Winter

I want all of these, but if I had to pick, I'd say the first one

Warden D.

I've enjoyed the Mafia rp's a lot. But I want to see how #4 turns out.


There are three that I *really* want to hear, in no particular order: The Queen and the Protector (2), No One Could Spoil You (for personal reasons), and All or Nothing. If pushed for one to go first All or Nothing.


5 and 6 are probably my top picks


All or Nothing looks like lots of fun!


All or Nothing is by far my first choice; second would probably be The Queen and the Protector.


Queen and the Protector sounds like fun

Gary Nevills

Strange... I like all the odd numbers.

Holden Gladden

I definately wanna see queen and protector 2 (hear?)

Holden Gladden

Boss daughter sounds fun and the Egyptian themed one is something I honestly think your voice would be particularly suited too. Especially if you could pull off the accent they have when speaking english like in the movies.


I love all of these but I’ve loved the My Little Puppy mafia boss roleplay. Perhaps the puppy’s return to their mistress?


I'd vote for nr6, Maffia princess and bodyguard


Queen and protector sequel would be amazing! Also, the Egyptian princess sounds really nice.


Queen and protector sequel is my vote


1 and 5 have my votes


No one can spoil you and All or nothing sound pretty nice. But if I had to pick one I'd say No one can spoil you.


Queen and protector or Bodyguard and mafia boss daughter would be my votes.


1 and 3 have my votes. 1 because I've been waiting for the sequel to The Queen and protector. And number 3 because, unfortunately, it would hit close to give for me and could be wonderful therapy.


Queen and protector is one of my teacup favs!


Oh boy number one please thanks


OMFG, Queen and Protector pleeeeeeeeeease~ (But I'd also be down for Egypt's Princess and No One Can Spoil You. I love the aesthetic of the former, and the latter option would be super healtfelt as you always are with these more serious subjects. As an emotional abuse survivor I'd appreciate that particular fantasy.)


Number five seems pretty great too


I loved Queen and Protector so much the first time. I'd love to see a sequel!!! Also Beauty and the Beast -- I like when people actually think to do a gentle take on D/s.


I'm realizing "see" was probably not the verb I should've used there...


All or nothing and the Boss's daughter are my tops


1 would be my favorite!


All or nothing


4 and 5 are interesting to say the least.


I don’t think I can decide between 4, 5 and 6


I'm looking forward to this year.

Richard Hardslab

Very excited for 3 and 5, not even sure I could explain why


Wonderful ideas in all but overcoming make sex abuse might be the most interesting in my opinion


Really looking forward to 2, as well as 5 & 6.


1, 3 and 4 are looking good. - I appreciate this 2019 energy and ideas for the coming content. Thanks, Tea. Hearing your relaxing and heart-warming voice will be great as in the past.


Only suggestion I have is that it includes spanking of some kind, other than that Im down for whatever honestly


I would really like a sequel so i'm being selfish and saying 1.


Definitely 1

Kris Grimsley

The Queen and the Protector is one of my personal favorites, so I must say I am incredibly excited for 1


#2. Beauty and the Beast: i always loved your "Let me Draw you" and "Your scars are beautiful" roleplays. Nevertheless i would be more than happy to see (or better hear) 3. No One Could Spoil You and / or 4. Egypt’s Princess in the future. You more than once proofed that you can handle even delicate topics with ease and i can't think of anyone better for the recording.


I have My own suggestions, I really like when I get to feel like a Knight in Shining armor, so I want more like that. maybe tea is homeless and asks me the listener for help, I take tea home with me, where I give her warm food and clean clothes, and as a thank tea spend the night with the me the listener.


5 and 6 sound wonderful


Would really like 1 or 3, but all sounds really good :)


5 pwease


Boss' Daughter with All Or Nothing a verrry close second.