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“Come on, Santa. Don’t be shy! Oh, I’m a freak? Who’s the bigger freak, the freak or the freak in love with the freak?"


In the middle of your Christmas party, you see her smiling at you. She's proud and pert, glowing in her little Santa outfit. She holds your gaze and then nods her head softly - you understand immediately. And quietly, every so quietly you both make your way to your bedroom. Your guests will be fine without you, at least for a few minutes. 

After all, 'tis the season to be jolly!


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 



Technically though, if BOTH of them were naughty, wouldn't the double negative make them nice? XD


Any one else think there needs to be a part 2 to this? 😏


Agreed, 6780%, mathematical impossibility be damned. XD A Frisky Friday F'rowback down the line, perhaps? (That sounded way better in my head, honestly...)


Are you suuure that's how it works? 🤔