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I could help with Bulgarian or Russian if you wanted to do an audio :)


Honestly love listening to Spanish would love to here you give it a try


Italian. Spanish is too popular and it would be cool to see people branch out


Oh the hype!!, sadly I have zero imagination :p

Gustaf Wiktorén

If I hear you speak Swedish, it'd be, like, everything I could've asked for.


I would like to hear Russian, German, and Spanish.

Neil Winter

Japanese could be very interesting, especially for an anime related audio


I'm from Germany. Maybe an video in German?


I'd get behind a French video 👍


Oh, Japanese would be great, regardless of content! Because it's entirely syllabic it has this beautiful sort of calming cadence to it. I could do a script for you if you want (depending on timeframe)


I tried this, but my listeners didn't appreciate it much. But I love how much better reception you're getting on this ^^ I'd love to hear you speak in DAelish (*like the dweeb I am*) XD And the language of the Qun? :)


I mean while I don't speak the language Spanish I think would be a good ice breaker for this kind of content


I reckon Japanese or Russian


Any of the romance languages would be great, especially French or Italian. I could see a RP where she's trying to show a guy how much she likes him by trying to learn his native tongue. That could be super cute.

Richard Hardslab

I'd personally love to hear you speak some french, but sadly I haven't studied the language since elementary school


This entirely depends on what languages you are familiar with. A beautiful voice in English is probably just as beautiful in other languages.


Well, since i am Norwegian i have a soft spot for the tounge of my motherland (and since i only speak norwegian and english, its kind of my only other option) X)




Français, s’il vous plaît!


I can help with pronunciation! I also can help with Tagalog, Korean or German


I vote French!...idk the language but it sounds nice lol


Well, I know I like listening to German, Japanese, Korean, and the Nordic languages, but beyond that I can only shrug since, outside English, I only speak sparse fragmented Japanese.


I think this would be a brilliant idea. First because it would broaden your range even further, second it's always good to educate yourself and experience new things. As well it would help you expand your range and repertoire and give you better exercise of your instrument learning a new language learning new annunciations new vocal techniques for pronunciation. Definitely support this idea 100%. I would suggest just as an idea for edifying yourself and just for a new experience something very different try languages that are very foreign to English I don't know offhand suggestions per se but I think the more alien languages you try the more enjoyable and more interesting it would be if everyone involved.




After seeing everyone else's lovely comments, I feel I should mention that I could also write you a script in Chinese (Mandarin). It's not as strong as my Japanese or Spanish, but it's good enough for what you need. I could also help you with pronunciation and tones.


I'd go with my motherthong, French. As for the script, i'm not so much of a writer but i'm not so bad in translation ^^


“If someone who knows three languages is trilingual, and someone who knows two languages is bilingual, what do you call someone who only knows one language?” “American” Snce I’m one of those uncultured barbarians who doesn’t understand other languages I wouldn’t benefit as much...but it still might be fun to listen to. And it might let you do other accents, and I’m not just talking about a cutesy-poo overdone French accent.


Maybe in German.




First of all i'm on the same page with Nicholas Facer and fancy German, Japanese and the Nordic languages (there do seem to be a lot people from Germany here: Grüße aus dem Westen! ^^) But i'm also with Tristan Kotlicky: it entirely depends on what languages you are familiar and comfortable with. I also know a youtuber and female ASMRist who tried the same thing with speaking swedish (incorporating phrases and or words in her RPs for example) and while i totally loved it, the common reception seemed to be not that great which i think is a shame. With that being said and while i totally love the idea (i could translate a script to /in german but not provide a fully fledged script myself - not enough talent) i feel the need make a personal observation, and this is by no means meant to be a bad thing or some sort of criticism in any given way: i'm just a little bit afraid that your idea could "backfire". For example: english or french are what i would describe as "soft" languages. German and Japanese can be soft too, depending on the words and intonation but are characterized by most people as "hard" languages: the soft english pronunciation of some japanese words or names sometimes sounds irritating to some people (if i'm not mistaken there is no rolling r in the japanese language for instance but its trilled instead). I don't know where i'm going with my thougths... i'm just trying to express my thoughts while both being excited about the idea, fancy and support it in any given way while still being a bit worried that people could be disappointed because the result might not exactly be what they expected.


Japanese would be pretty nice


Welsh maybe?