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You earned it, Teacups.

Next week there will be a whole one hour audio in your honour. 

So far, I know it's gonna be romantic, indulgent and oh-so lovely. However, if you have any concept ideas, or just something small you'd like to suggest, please don't be afraid to comment down below. 

Can't wait,

Tea x 




I think just a moment where you be yourself with us would be fantastic! You and us and a candle light dinner!


oh so lovely sounds good! Have fun Tea

Warden D.

One hour!? Is it Christmas already? Wait that's the giveaway...


You're amazing Tea. Just be you you're adorable


Hey there. Great comment. Can you elaborate a little on what you mean by ‘you be yourself with us’? I’d really like to nail this one! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I'd love to hear a bit of kiss sounds and positive affirmations


Oh so lovely and romantic sounds so good!!


How about a slightly altered reality. A friends to more type of thing. You and your friend (us) have gotten pretty close and you want to let us know what you do (asmr and role plays etc). You're a little nervous at how they may react. When you reveal it the friend asks what your channel name is.... you tell them and the friend exclaims "I knew it!" Turns out they had a secret of their own. Not only are they a listener, they're a patron. They suspected that it might have been you all along but were afraid they could be mistaken, so they never brought it up.


Okay... this is pretty fucking cool. Even if I don’t do it for the hour long one (not sure how’d I drag it out for that long) I’d be really excited to do it for another audio 👍👍👍


Our Goddess has rewarded us.

Matt G

My favourite videos from you are ones where you a quite affectionate with the viewer, lots of cuddles kisses compliments that sort of thing. So I’d love for it to have that sort of thing though out the audio, also a part where you get really emotional with the viewer it could be in anyway you liked. I just get so amazed when you do an emotional bit in a video, they feel so realistic and make it so easy to connect with the character. Anyway no matter what ideas you use I’m sure I’ll love it I always do.


Concept ideas? I'm a klutz, i rarely have good ideas. ^^ But i really do like your <i>Our First Sleepover</i> and <i>Shy Guy - New Relationship</i> Roleplays. They were romantic, cute, something warm to bask in.. like a blanket on a cold Fall's evening


Cool. Now then, ideas... Maybe a sort of knight and princess thing, a little like the Queen and Protecter from a while back. The knight (listener) has rescued the princess and they are on their way back to the kingdom. They stop for the night, and perhaps the princess discusses her apprehension about being whisked away to some prince she doesn't know, and things slowly get romantic form there. That, or it could be a female knight saving a prince? No idea.


Something intimate with a heavy dose of story driven narrative and a dash of sass would be nice. Maybe something like the Queen and the Knight or even a bit of bad girl Tea would be nice.


How bout splitting it to 3 or 4 parts? Each part a different stage of a relationship. From the first meeting as kids, then high school where their friends tease about Tea and the listener's relationship. Afterwards progress into the confession and lastly into marriage.

Joshua Workman

Definitely friends to lovers and very affectionate.


1)The listener has cancer and feels self conscious about how they look due to chemo and you reasure them that you still find them attractive. 2) The listener is in a band getting ready to play for a producer and you the girlfriend give us a last minute pep talk. 3)You and the listener are at a mutual friends wedding and you both contemplate when will you find someone. 4)The listener is a college professor and you a student you have feeling for them but you try to keep it to your self. 5)Your a rich desperate house wife in a loveless marriage and you gain a attraction to your head butler (listener). Any of these could be good.


an hour long? Oh wow. We are going to get overdosed on Tea.