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Sorry for the short hiatus, Teacups. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster the last week. One of my family members has been having a really, really hard time. But they are pulling through, getting the help they need and working towards taking better care of themselves.

I won’t go into too many childhood trauma details, but I just have to say that I am so fiercely proud of all my siblings and my mother. We may not have had the easiest start, but we are strong, we are kind, we are family. I love you, always.

Back soon,

Tea x



Family always comes first, and I hope everything and everyone comes up top gun. Wishing you and your family well!


I'm glad you and your family are doing better now. It can be hard as a family with any traumatic events. Keep pushing, don't give up and stay strong.


You continue, to be a paragon exemplar, and ruiner of other patreons. Would that all creators were as agreeable, and accountable as you. Take care of you and yours, and best of luck. The lights will be on, and the party still in full swing at casa del Teacup, eagerly awaiting our aural maven's triumphant return from battle of family misanthropy.


Also, I hope you don't mind, I posted a glowing twitter shoutout and tagged you. I very much do appreciate you, the work you do, and the things I said above. I also explained I did so of my own volition so people don't think you bade me to do so.


Take the time you need. No one is going to get upset about you having a legitimate family issue. Happens to all of us.


... and we are Groot πŸ˜‰ Take care of yourself, Tea. We're not going anywhere.


When have we ever gotten mad at you for dealing with serious family matters? Take care of yourself and the people that matter most first. We will cheer you on from the side lines and always have your back.


Family first Tea, take that good time off. You’re the best in the field. No one ain’t going anywhere 😊