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Hey Teacups,

So a lovely patron has messaged me with a problem. It seems they are unable to scroll down my Patreon page past a certain point on their phone. I'm making this post to draw attention, and to see if this is a shared issue. 

The patron has already messaged Patreon for help, and of course, tried the old faithful delete the app and then download it again (the famous off and on trick) but sadly to no avail.

Any help you can provide each other would be wonderful.

Best wishes,

Tea x



Scrolling down on mobile has normally been a little janky for me

Matt G

Does he have an old phone? I know when I used to use a really out dated device it prevented me from loading old messages.

Matt G

Never mind I just tried it once I scroll down so much the app crashes and I have I pretty modern phone. It sounds like a glitch because when I first became a petreon to you I could scroll all the way down to the bottom.

Richard Hardslab

I’ve never focused on the phone app except for getting updates while I’m out and about. I generally prefer to use the website if I want to backtrack through an authors logs


I've had this exact problem and sadly there has been no fix (none that I've seen). I simply came back another time and it resolved itself. You could also try the mobile website version which usually works


I usually get here from my gmail. No problems on this end.


I'm on my phone a Moto Z Droid my phone is about 2 years old and this glitch did not occur for me. I scrolled all the way to Tea's first post without issue. Maybe the glitch is random, happens to some people and not others.


After testing it on two phones, Samsung Galaxy Edge and the new Note 9, I have had no problems loading and scrolling threw every post. Sadly, I don't have an Apple device to test appfunctions on atm. If you are experiencing issues with the app, please reply with what phone make and model you are using as i might be able to help find a work around for you <3!


Using an iPhone SE with the latest software updates. Thanks for offering help!

Matt G

Judging by everyone’s comments it sounds like it’s a glitch on the iPhone side, hopefully will be patched soon.


FOR THOSE WITH IPHONES: Patreon's app is apparently having issues with old Iphone frame works. The issue stems from the app trying to use a whole load of RAM when the page is scrolled beyond the initial load point. Thus, it is a patreon app issue and will need to be addressed by them. However, there is a gimicky / possible work around which is kind of hit and miss. 1st Open the Patreon app and close all other apps or webpages you have open. 2nd From the HOME SCREEN, hold the power, sleep, wake button on the side of the phone until the "Slide to Power Off" pops up. 3rd Press and Hold the HOME button at the bottom of the phone until the screen returns to the normal home window. 4th Finally, double tap the HOME button and tap the Patreon app page that pops up. This will have fully flushed you RAM and by running the Patreon app first, your phone should allocate all available space to the app. This is more art than science so it might work or not.


Awesome! That is exactly the type of info I was looking for. Definitely will try this, and if it doesn’t work at least I know it’s a problem with Patreon’s RAM usage on older iPhones