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So so very true


What about that hug at the end of a first date that went *kinda* well? Sort of an "Umm, I guess this is... maybe we... OK, let's just... right, let's go with that. Goodnight"

Richard Hardslab

I think this might vary from person to person. I've had a couple people call me out on being a 'hugger' even though I've rarely done so. Both instances were when they were leaving my life(either finding work or going back to their home country) and I found it to be the best way for me to wish them the best in their life in travels. I think it was a little short of the 'Never let me go' as they were co-workers and acquaintances, rather than good friends.


...I am permanently convinced your entire twitter feed is some extremely well maintained and chosen random thoughts engaged in some very very long term social experiment that will be published years later. Today is a very tinfoil hat society day...i don't know why

Gary Nevills

I've never met someone I loved more than carbs, but I hope to one day.


I am totally the awkward hugger with non-romantic hugs. Like, my brain is all - "Ok, what's the protocol here? Go left? Right? Side hug? Bro hug? Oh no... Out of time! Just commit to something!" Them: "Um Sir? I was just reaching to take your coat. Have a nice dinner." Me: "You too!"


Sure there is, there's the "physical contact with anyone is unpleasant, including immediate family, but it's supposed to be normal so I'll try to look like I'm supposed to and hopefully it'll be over soon" hug.


To me there's an inbetween, I dont have to love someone unconditionally to enjoy giving them a hug. Just last night I met a girl who was very close to my late friend and we hugged just out of camaraderie and friendliness.