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Hey Teacups,

If you follow me on Twitter you might be aware of an interesting topic that's come up on my page. I thought I'd share it here to see what you think, and hopefully just to spread some positivity, thought and hope.

I won't say too much about it here as I want to keep my Patreon page a place of relaxation, but if you're interested in hearing my two cents here's the link:


If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. I only know what I know. I'm me, I'm a woman, so I can't know what it's like to be a guy. If you're interested, I'd like to hear your side.

Also, I should probably say that some people might find the link distressing, so I should give out a warning: This post deals with gender issues, equality and justice. If you don't feel like reading about that today, just go right ahead and sit this one out. 

All the best,

Tea x


Richard Hardslab

I’m sorry to hear about your own story of abuse, and I agree that we should be looking at individual cases for truth and not painting with a brush. In my experience though, the bit about men are more likely to be listened to is not the case. I have my own suspicions, but they are largely unfounded.


I cannot begin to express my sadness to hear you have your terrible past with abuse Tea, but i'm in awe of your strength and incredible love that has helped you through it and makes you the amazing person you no doubt are today. As someone who just got yelled at and taken to task this morning over having this same opinion, thank you very much for sharing this! It's very reassuring to know that I'm not alone in feeling this way. Bless your amazing heart!


That's very kind of you to say that. And I'm really at peace with it. I also wholeheartedly know that one bad man is not representative of a whole gender. Absolutely. 100% no. And this is why I find this current social climate towards men very scary. People seem to be taking their own individual experiences and generalising them about a sex as a whole. And of course there's a lot of cases - there's a lot of evil men, just like there's a lot of evil women. I am in no way suggesting that the majority of people coming forward with reports are lying - no. What I am saying is that we have to treat each case individually, as we would with any other crime. And I have to agree with your belief, even if I'm unsure of the statistics, at this current stage, I do not think the justice system is not favouring women.


I typed so many words and almost a essay, but I deleted all of them and conclude one sentence: I believe people shall be treated with same dignity but carefully specialized.


It's absolutely fine. But thank you for your kindness. It happens to so many people, so it's not exactly extraordinary. And I'm very happy that you feel reassured. All the best, truly x


Exactly. True equality is giving people what they need. We don't all need the same treatment, but we do deserve the same respect and rights x


Your views reflect my mothers views on the subject to a P. See was a victim or sexual assault back when she was a child, knowing her you’d never imagine it, one of her favorite shows is law and order: SVU and I love it as well. I always wonder if she’s ok watching it, but she tells me she forgave the people who hurt her years ago.


I have to say that i agree with you, Tea. Every case needs to be looked at on a case to case basis. Are there women who lie about assasult? Yes. Are they a small minority? Yes. We need to look at each case individualy and not judge beforehand either way. And as a man, brother and son, i can tell you, that being acused of sexual misconduct would be probably one of the worst things that i can imagen, and that is why it is important too also shine a spotlight on the cases where the acusation is false, if nothing else to save the mans life and reputation. Also have to say i really feel sorry for the things you have experienced yourself, and at the same time, i really admire the way you seem to be handling it, dealing with it and moving forward. You are a walking embodyment of love and kindness Tea.


Honestly couldn’t agree more. A false accusation of rape is basically a fate worse than death. You can never remove a stain like that. It is a tragedy and an injustice. That is why we must talk. The thought of my brothers being in such a position fills me with dread. This is also why I really do stress sex, intimacy and love as a package. It is not for everyone, but is so much easier to communicate honestly with someone you trust and love. Casual intimacy can lead to a lot of grey area. And the worse bit of all is that a lot of the time regret is mistaken for non-consent. You can regret a sexual experience (you didn’t enjoy it, you weren’t particularly attracted to your partner, you did it because you were sad) but that doesn’t mean it is rape. If you consent, you consent. We need to educate on sexual conduct, sexual communication and taking responsibility for your own actions.


Completely agree with almost everyone here. Innocent until proven guilty. Everyone no matter the gender. should be listened to and heard.


As a male victim (survivor is the term used these days?) of sexual abuse I definitely feel that too often the victim has to work extra hard just to be believed. I remember when once telling someone about my past abuse that I should keep it to myself as the others in the environment would use it as a way to gang up on me and belittle me. Yet at the same time I am very much aware of the stigma that comes with even just being accused of sexual abuse as a man. Goodness knows that I make extra care to not get to close to random women. Partially because I do not want to risk frightening them and partly because I do not want to be seem and accused of planning some form of assault. (same applies of any location with children come to think of it.) .. Egh I am rambling. Survivors should be listened to, but at the same time society should remember that not every man means harm. In your own words "All I'm saying is that we look at these instances case by case. We have to investigate, evaluate and determine a verdict"