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To say thank you in the most personal way, I'm going to be doing a Christmas Giveaway!

The giveaway will include a personal letter of thank you, some treats (sweets, tea's, etc), and of course, a teeny tiny Christmas present!

I'm not exactly sure how to decide who to reward with the giveaway. All of you Teacups are so incredibly important, but realistically sending out nearly 1000 presents might bankrupt me four lifetimes over... (So, yeah). I was thinking of maybe 5-10 patrons.

Perhaps some kind of raffle, maybe a little competition? I'm really not sure, guys. I just thought it would be nice to do something sweet for Christmas.

No money needed, just participation.

Anyway, let me know if this is something you guys would be interested in. I remember when we had the discussion on how to improve my Patreon, a lot of you talked about more interaction with patrons - so that's where this line of thinking is coming from.

Also, let me know if you can think of anything you'd like included in the giveaway. I probably don't need to say this, but just in case, I won't be sharing any personal images, videos, or sneak peaks of my physical appearance because I'm just not comfortable with it. Other than that, let me know. 

All my love,





I think this is an awsome idea. The tea themed gift basket is a really cool idea.


I absolutely love the idea, especially since my birthday is on Christmas too, it'd be a wondeful gift so I'd very much like to enter give a go at it. Personally what you could do is maybe set a raffle that picks 5 winners, and a contest that picks 5 to 10 more, since not patron may be an artist. I myself wouldn't well outside of a writing contest so the doing a partial giveaway like that might help for those who cant really enter a contest due to lack of writing or drawing skills.


I'd just be good with you recommending a tea. Scratch that, twelve days of christmas but with tea. I've been meaning to drink more but it's hard to find the good stuff where I am


This is a great idea!


I endorse the idea. Teas and sweets sound like a good idea.


I love the idea


It sounds like a solid a idea maybe get a small handful of people who are willing to donate some prizes for such an occasion


Great idea!


Awesome idea!


This would be fun


I like the idea of having a script writing competition and then a raffle! Like you say, gives people a fighting chance. The five best scripts win, and five random raffle winners also!


Wonderful idea, and I commend you for keeping these sorts of things to random and sporadic surprises. Doing so by practice keeps the...special nature of it happening well, special. So kudos for that to begin with. Commenting on this direct idea, it's a fun, fantastic one, and my inner competitive child, is plotting with my FUCK YEA TEACUP IS THE BEST zealot inner child.

Neil Winter

It's such a nice idea, Tea. I guess I wouldn't mind a script writing contest, even though I don't fancy myself to be a good writer. Well, you never know until you try!


I love this idea. I guess a random drawing would be the most fair. Some cool stuff to put in it might be one of those Burt's Bees bundles cause they're nice and relaxing, and maybe a nice soft blanket or something simple and comforting. It would certainly be very special and exciting to receive a care package from you, so this is an awesome idea I think!


Also, if there's a script contest, is it limited to one per person?


I like the raffle idea


Nice idea, Tea. But instead of combine it with a competition, go for the spirit for x-mas and give it away for ... nothing. It wouldn't be a present otherwise. And people like me - where english is a foreign language - are always be disadvantaged. :'-(


Tea: <i>"I won't be sharing any personal images, videos, or sneak peaks of my physical appearance"</i> Me: "I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three" :-))) But seriously: that's totally understandable, Tea! I think we all understand and respect your wish for privacy. And i really, really appreciate your idea regarding the give-aways! Although i currently have absolutely no idea by what criteria to choose the recipients... :-/

