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First of all, thank you to everyone who voted and offered their opinions. You guys are such a huge part of making TeacupAudio the best it can be, and for that, I am so grateful.

So, without further ado, the people have spoken and the Week A, Week B system has come out on top for deciding the Frisky Friday audio. 

To clarify, Week A will be the week we have a poll, and Week B the week we don't.  I hope this small change will prove beneficial to everyone,  allowing for both patron participation, and the chance for surprises.

This change was simply done to make sure that the less 'generic' concepts get a turn at being heard. As pointed out by several patrons, it can be quite disappointing when the the majority choose the safest idea, simply because it's familiar. Hopefully this will mean we get both the security of the known, and the thrill of the new. 

Also, I want to reassure you that this structure is in no way deathly rigid.  If I lack inspiration on Week B, I will of course hold a poll. After all, this is all about you guys getting the content you desire.

So, let's call this week Week A, and the next Week B.

Poll to follow soon.

(P.S. If you have a suggestion for the poll, let me know down below. If not I'll be submitting old concepts for the poll.)





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