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I got some Yandere story scripts if you want


Really like the idea of following a couple through multiple check points in a relationship


Friends to lovers 🙌🙌

Gary Nevills

I'm waiting for part 2 of The Gypsy.


Vampire protector roleplay or bodyguard roleblay


There were a couple videos you made a ways back...the superheroes girlfriend and the alien visitor that I always enjoyed. A story based on themes like that would be really fun and interesting to me. I love your fantasy and sci-fi works!


Maybe a coming home from a military deployment. Emotional homecoming


I'm still hoping for a continuation of the werewolves from rival clans story.


There could be one where the listener has to go through winning the love of their life back after disappearing/hiding for so long from some tragic or danger to keep them safe.


I'd be projecting but I would like to see a series where the main trouble is someone with intimacy issues, whether it's you or the listener. Intimacy being non-sexual, more like someone unable to open up under any circumstances. Edit- on a less depressing note doing something like Psych would be amazing. In short, a quirky hyperattentive goofball and a quieter and reluctant friend go and solve mysteries.


Now I really want to write a script for that myself


Oh my god Shawn gives Gus nicknames so you could actually call out the listener's name without having it break immersion


Military girl if you've got enough references and knowledgs to make an RP about it

Graverobber Jake

What if we have a full script ready?


How about something in the cyber-punk genre, where the listeners head cyberware is being hacked, and you are doing a counter hack. Audio switches back and forth between a calm happy scenario asking trying to get you to relax, and a second more frenetic "real world" audio with escaping from megacorp security and trying to find help countering the still ongoing hack.


FYI, she has one like that on the youtube channel, check it out.


Helping a friend or partner with addiction


More queen and guard rp please

Stuart E

Perhaps something along the lines of a dystopian setting. Or perhaps post apocalyptic like Fallout style. I don't know just a couple of different ideas to maybe try out.


1. Young couple who win the lottery and travel around the world 2. I move to your school from a different country and we fall for each other 3. We're roommates and down on rent so decide to make amateur porn and stop once rent is paid but we quickly develop a large fan base. 4. You're a present from my wife for me on our wedding anniversary 5. Maid/employers son 6. I’m an up and coming basketball star in my first season and you’re a famous model/singer/actress and we start dating 7. rich master and obedient slave bought from an auction 8. Brothers friend and you come down in the middle of the night in your underwear


Like two people fleeing some unspecified apocalyptic event? Or maybe two survivors meeting each other, and eventually growing closer.


I'm always down for a Friends to Lovers RP, but I also *really* enjoy your humor - which is why I've suggested Drunk Veterinarian for a shorter piece. But a longer funny meet-cute would be great. I think we talked about a meet-cute in 1940s London, once. Maybe use the same accent from "A Nice Guy." And one I've thought about for an awkward meet-cute/cringe is two childhood friends reuniting years later when one has to get a physical exam. The other is the radiologist who doesn't realize their connection until the patient is well in a degree of undress. Yes, this is based on a true story 😁 From there it could turn into "well, we could both die of embarrassment or go get caught up.... Dinner?" Another one I've had percolating is the absolute best one-night/day date ever. Like, if money wasn't an issue and he had only one shot to show her how much he cared, what would be the most unquestionably phenomenal date he could arrange for her...? In a similar vein as "A Nice Guy" and past discussion regarding Friend Zones, the guy who has always been content to be just friends has to rescue her from another awful date. But this time, he's fighting mad at her date for treating her so poorly, and realizes it's because he has feelings for her. Or take that same concept and flip the roles. I hope you find some great ideas here to work with! It means a lot when an artist asks Patrons for input.


I write mostly post apocalyptic and military sci-fi. First idea is about a young lab tech assigned to a super soldier program. Slowly, through the nightly conversations with the leader of the capture mercenaries, and the increasingly inhumane nano experiments. She slowly begins a journey to discover the truth. I have character bios, locations, and some key story elements already fleshed out.


Sniper and spotter would be neat. Talk onto targets, readjust shots, ect.


I personally really love the Stronger Together series, especially the second episode and am really surprised they aren't more popular. Beyond that, uh, what if a couple that could both lucid dream took turns taking their partners on increasingly idyllic dates? Like every night they somehow connect through their lucid dreams and one gets to influence the others dreams each night, taking turns? I don't know, an ex girlfriend was able to lucid dream, and said she would dream up stuff for us to do while she was asleep and even let me pick an activity and act out my ideas in her lucid dream. I always thought it was so romantic. Maybe you could be a person/entity they only encounter in their dreams. Hopefully there's an idea someone like you can salvage out of the confusing train wreck I just wrote lol. Was just trying to avoid the usual stuff like vampire rps and that kinda thing.


Another fun idea might be a dynamic that existed between Agent Cooper and Audrey Horne in Twin Peaks. Agent Cooper is there to solve a murder, but Audrey, naively trying to help because she has a crush on Cooper, consistently puts herself in danger in attempts to impress Cooper with her footwork and hopes her detective skills persuade the consummate professional into thinking of her romantically. You could get information about the crime in each episode through a debriefing at the beginning of each episode from the FBI(special guest?), which would outline the status of the case and what the listener would be investigating that episode. It could work with you as either character. I understand you not wanting to play somewhat of a damsel in distress tho, doesn't sound like your style. Definitely not a simple idea, but just trying to offer something creative.

Neil Winter

Perhaps an idea of you being a daring friend who wants to explore something creepy like a cavern or an abandoned building and the listener being very reluctant to join in? This is drawn from personal experience when me and my friends would explore these kinds of places for a thrill.


Fantasy stuff is always really cool, and not something super common. I would love to see you do more fantasy styled stuff, kind of like the bar maiden ones you did a little while back.


Superhero that needs upgrades. The listener gets to upgrade for her. :)


With Halloween coming up, stories involving vampires, werewolves, witches etc. Would be cool. A spin off of the mummy would be cool. A long dead mummy like creature (a litch maybe) has returned from the dead. She has reformed herself and is now looking for her long lost love. The listener happens to be the ancestor of said love (whom had children after the creature was defeated/entombed) she has finally found the listener and has quite the story to tell them and a choice to offer.


More pirate rp's


I have always been a fan of extremely possessive demi-humans. And I don't even mean just like frisky but just "I own you." Even in the literal sense. Its something I don't see often but the creators i do see do it are fairly good at it.


How about a rp were your a mature (early thirties) boss of a huge company. The listener is a new younger manager (mid to late twenties). The boss is strict and demands the best but you get the sense that she's depressed and lonely. Talking to the listener starts to give her comfort and a bit of lust. She starts to feel conflicted due to the fact the listener is a employee and younger. She wonders if she should pursue a relationship, stay friends, or fire the listener before she does something she regrets.


Always been a fan of your fantasy themed role plays and I’d love to see more. Maybe something with an adventuring hero/knight returning home to his lover after many months away?


tbh id love if you went back to the werewolf series lmao esp with halloween coming back it would be pretty On Brand.


Listening back to one of your old ones like let me draw you i feel like the concept of someone being in love with someone but the other not really knowing or wanting a relationship kinda narcissistic in our point of view was always exiting


I’m a sucker for your friends-to-lovers scenarios… This one is a bit of a riff on the tsundere pilots. And admittedly it’s a “male protector” fantasy. (Not that women need protecting! It’s just fun for a guy to feel useful sometimes… even as a meatshield.) • Woman and her protector have holed up in a cabin after being pursued through the snow by assassins/werewolves/whatever. They’re safe for the moment after a harrowing journey. • They’re both highly capable and competent individuals • He’s charming and she thinks that’s infuriating. She’s strong willed and that’s exciting because he’s used to protecting wilting flowers. So, of course, they’re attracted to each other. • While the shack keeps the wind out and there is a meager fire in the fireplace, its still bloody cold. • He suggests they’ll be warmer if they sleep next to one another (to capitalize on body heat, of course). • Sparks fly as they snuggle up and try to get to sleep.


How about childhood class mates on popular and the other not so much and they meet at a cafe and they realise that they both are different than they thought and they both feel a bit sorry for one another


I would actually like to hear another princess and knight RP. Maybe the knight rescues the princesses sister and the sister ends up wanting them and the princess/queen what have you gets jealous. I really enjoyed the jealous RP and the princess and knight RP after all.