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Hello Teacups,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on how much we've achieved in such a short space of time. Over the last year, my Patreon has grown phenomenally. I could not be more astounded by your support and faith in my work.

Your payments have enabled me to make this work my full-time job, invest in quality equipment, and hone my skills to bring you better content. 

For that, I am so grateful. But more importantly, I am eager to go further. 

I am determined for TeacupAudio to reach it's full potential. I want to do this job for the rest of my life, and do it to the very best of my ability. I want to know that I am doing everything I can to ensure my patrons are happy, and confident that their payments are well spent. 

And so, I have made a promise to myself that by the end of the year I will reach 1000 PATRONS. With such an ambitious goal in mind, I would not only welcome your thoughts, but any awareness you can raise, via social media, links, and private recommendations.

If you can spread the word about my work - please do. 

Reaching this goal would mean that a MASSIVE reward would be in order for all my patrons. Access to all.

What that reward should be, we can discuss in the comments below. I was thinking something along the lines of an hour long audio. But tell me if you'd prefer something else. 

Thank you for everything you do, Teacups. You have changed my life in the most meaningful way. I only hope that I am making a positive difference to yours. 





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