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Frisky Friday it is, Teacups!

Thank you to everyone who voted. It was a huge help. And I'm very happy with the chosen name - sounds just right!

Be sure to tune in this Frisky Friday for the winning audio 'Don't Ever Do That Again'. Also, to make sure this first Frisky Friday is a success, I've managed to squeeze all three of the concepts into one audio (It was such a tough choice this time). 

So, be prepared for the listnener to be a Yakuza Boss, the speaker his female protege, and for them to be tackling the issue of boundaries. First by talking, then by... well, you know ;) There's emotions, passion, switching of dominant and submissive. All that and more.

Brace yourselves, Teacups. This one's gonna be a rollercoaster. 

All the best,




Holden Gladden

Oh! I like this concept even more then the other three. Woot!

Warden D.

So excited!


Hellooooo Tea. New Patron here. I think that the scope of different/varying content which you produce (and the high quality to which you do so) is really admirable, which is part of why I became a patron. I 100% respect that you're moving to producing more frequent mature and/or sensual content, as is your prerogative – but I just wanted to check that you're not planning to move away from regular YT-suitable content anytime soon? I love your fantasy-world content (tavern girl, etc) in particular xx


That sounds incredible. Can't wait for Friday!


I'd be a terrible yakuza boss. All gang funds will be going to fund my favourite anime πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Hello there. Thank you so much for your kind words and your patronage. And I'm absolutely not moving away from my YouTube, family-friendly role-plays. I love them, and it's great to provide free content for those who can't afford to support me.