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"I don’t have to be scared?

How come I know that logically, yet I feel like… I’m just this stupid kid who doesn’t understand the complex world of body parts?"


Goofy, gorgeous and so, so unaware of how frightened she looks - she's here.

This is the first time. The first being in your apartment, the first taking off her shoes, the first lying on your bed.

It's new, and anxiety-inducing and wonderful.

Now, first things first, make sure she doesn't have a heart attack. 


Happy Spicy Friday, Teacups!

Please enjoy.



havent listened yet, but something tells me this one is going to be reaaallly cute(but also s p i c y)


Very nice, it's an interesting change of pace to hear Tea as the shy one in the relationship. I'd be most interested to see a continuation of this storyline.