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Hey Teacups.

So, I would really appreciate it if you could follow these links and report this reddit user:

Reddit User:


TeacupAudio Copyright post:


This user continuously re-uploads my Patreon exclusive content onto third party sites and then provides the links to them on reddit.

I cannot count the amount of times I've reported them, and Reddit simply doesn't seem to take much notice. I report them, after a few days the post gets taken down, but then two weeks later the same user is allowed to do it all again. 

There's a similar situation happening on YouTube, but that doesn't bother me nearly as much as those videos are already on YouTube and available to everyone.

However, my exclusive Patreon content SHOULD BE EXCLUSIVE TO: MY. PATRONS. ONLY.  

I'm sorry to have to ask you guys to do this, but I do feel very unheard with it all. I've even messaged the user and asked them to stop, but that hasn't done much of anything. I'm hoping that sheer volume might be more effective and make it harder for Reddit to ignore. 

This user also uploads many other content creators Patreon exclusive content and it truly does baffle me how 1) they don't have any shame about it, and 2) Reddit is allowing a repeat copyright offender to steal people's livelihoods. 

Anyway guys, I just wanted to make you aware. Any help you can offer, reporting them, writing a comment, messaging would be very helpful and very appreciated.

Lastly, you Teacups are honestly so great, and I am 99% sure that I don't need to tell you this, but I have to be responsible as a content creator and cover all bases:

If you do message or leave a comment, please no death threats, no telling the user to 'go kill yourself', no threats of violence or any other stupid, mindless raging paragraphs. 

I really just want this person to stop making my content available to people who aren't my patrons. Again, I know you guys are amazing, but the internet can be a very strange place, and if I can avoid causing something awful to happen then that's what I have to do.

Thank you all so much,




Give me 5 and it's done..


For you, I'll report it under 4 different accounts


Ugh. That's horrible. Hang in there Tea! Don't let the bad guys get you down! We love you!!!

Jacob Griffith

Reported. Dunno how much good it'll do, maybe if they get enough they'll pay attention. Sorry this is happening to you again.


Yess of course


Please note, this user has set up their own subreddit at: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/vsleaks/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/vsleaks/</a> Simply reporting posts there won't do any good as they are the moderator their. It's a little more trouble than just clicking report, but please contact reddit admins at contact@reddit.com with a short email detailing the issue and including the link to the subreddit. No guarantee it'll work, I don't know if they have rules specifically against copyright, but we ought to try.

Lance Petersen

Tea since Reddit is not monitoring the content as they should why not take that issue up with them and hold them responsible? Could this be worth trying? In any case I'm on it.


...just get an answer from reddit, that they removed the material.

Holden Gladden

Thanks for the info. I was checking in and saw your comment. I'll write an email shortly.


Every content creator that sells any of their work has this problem all the way up to big movie studios, so as much as it sucks don’t let it get you down. There’s unfortunately always going to be someone and you’ve just got to count on the number of people willing to actually pledge making up for it.