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Hey Teacups,

So, Patreon is experiencing some problems with processing your payments. As such, some patrons cards are getting declined. 

Here is the link to their official statement on the matter here: https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/1025071287020871680 

If you are experiencing these difficulties, I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully the issue will be resolved quickly, and we can all get back to smooth sailing. 

Also, if you'd like to update your payment information here's a link to help you:


(Double also - shout-out to CardlinAudio for bringing this to my attention, and for providing the links for me to copy!)

Hang in there, Teacups!

All the best,




Welcome back from vacation!

Ghonnathan Bagwell

had some issues with mine yesterday, but gave my bank a call and got it sorted. 👍


I fixed it with me. Although now Patreon keeps insisting that I state that I'm over the age of 18 to listen to ANY of your audios. As for my creator page, I'm sadly not having this problem.


Good to hear from you again. I hope this issue hasn't been a problem for you. But I fixed mine this morning


My payment went through👍

Lance Petersen

My payment is through. Enjoy your vacation Tea.

Jacob Griffith

I had this issue earlier with my card. I processed the same card through PayPal and it seems to have gone through. Anyone having issues should try that.


I almost had a heart attack this morning cuz I thought something was wrong with my card 😭😩

Holden Gladden

My bank withheld the payment because it holds my money till midnight on the day I deposit it. That's on me tea. I'll fix things on my end.


Looks like it went through on my end, it just said pending for a long time, so it should be good now.

Warden D.

Phew. Finally got mine fixed. Had to physically go to the bank and sign papers showing there was no fraud. Which was a problem cause I was out of state when my card got declined. Back at last.