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So, I got the confirmation letter today.

My P.O. Box is open and ready.

I'd just like to say that there is absolutely no obligation to send me anything. You Patreon Teacups do so much for me, and I am so grateful to you all. 

I got the P.O. Box simply because it was suggested so many times. It's an opportunity to connect better with my listeners, hear some personal stories, and let's not lie, maybe receive some cool little knickknacks. 

So, if you ever feel like 'Hey, why not?' then that would be fabulous.

Anyone who sends me anything will also receive a shout and my most sincere gratitude, and maybe a really enthusiastic message with lots of 'Oh my lord's' in it. 

I'd really love to see anything you guys want to share with me, particularly letters (I know, I'm a grandma), maybe something personal to you, and the old favourite candy, chocolate, tea, anything you really love and think 'someone else needs to appreciate this''. 

Anyway, the option is there for you. So if you feel like it, please send your packages to:


PO box 19 







Sounds like someone is going to get some tea-related items pretty soon!

Lance Petersen

I'm happy you got it, surprises heading your way.